Genesis 8-9
Genesis 11-13
Genesis 14-15
Genesis 16
Genesis 17-18

According to Genesis 8:11, the dove returned to Noah with what in her mouth?

A. An olive leaf

B. A worm

C. An oak leaf

D. A twig of grass

A. An Olive Leaf


According to Genesis 11:5, who came down to see the city that the sons of men had built?

A. Angels

B. Satan

C. Birds

D. The Lord

D. The Lord


According to Genesis 14:13, Abram was warned by             .

A. A slave trader

B. A soldier in the army of Sodom

C. One who had escaped

D. A Centurion in the army of Gomorrah

C. One who had escaped


10. According to Genesis 16:7, who found Hagar after she fled?

A. Abram

B. Another of the maids

C. Sarai

D. The Angel of the Lord

D. The Angel of the Lord


Genesis 17:2, says, “I will make my covenant between             .”

A. Abram and Sarai

B. Abram and Hagar

C. Hagar and Sarai

D. Me and you

D. Me and you


According to Genesis 8:20, what did Noah build after leaving the ark?

A. An altar

B. A monument

C. A house

D. A tabernacle

A. An altar


In Genesis 11:8, when the Lord scattered them abroad, what did they cease doing?

A. Praying

B. Caring about each other

C. Building the city

D. Singing

C. Building the city


According to Genesis 14:15, Abram divided his          against them by night and attacked them.

A. Family from his trained men

B. Strong soldiers from the weaker ones

C. Forces

D. Chariots

C. Forces


 In Genesis 16:4, what was Hagar’s attitude toward Sarai after she conceived by Abram?

A. Loved her even more

B. Despised her

C. Felt sorry for her

D. Wanted her dead

B. Despised her


According to Genesis 17:10-12, what would be the sign of the covenant between God, Abraham and his descendants?

A. Circumcision of every male child

B. A special handshake only they knew

C. The righteousness of Abraham and his descendants

D. A rainbow

A. Circumcision of every male child


According to Genesis 8:20-21, who smelled the soothing aroma of the burnt offering?

A. Noah

B. The Lord

C. Noah’s wife

D. Noah’s sons

B. The Lord


According to Genesis 11:31, Lot was Abram’s             .

A. Brother

B. Nephew

C. Step-brother

D. Son

B. Nephew


According to Genesis 14:16, Abram brought back                 .

A. All the goods, his brother Lot and his goods, the women and the people.

B. Only Lot and his goods

C. Lot, the women, and the goods but not the other people

D. The other people and their goods but not Lot

A.  All the goods, his brother Lot and his goods, the women and the people.


In Genesis 16:8, when the Angel asked Hagar where she came from and where she was going, what was her answer?

A. “I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.”

B. “I am fleeing to my own country.”

C. “I am waiting for Abram to find me.”

D. “I am plotting out a way to kill Sarai.”

A. “I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai.”


 In Genesis 17:21, when did God say that Sarah would bear Isaac?

A. This set time next year

B. Two years from then

C. Nine months from then

D. Five years from then

A. This set time next year


In Genesis 9:23, how did Shem and Japheth walk, when going to cover their father?

A. Upright

B. Silently

C. Backward

D. Fast

C. Backward


In Genesis 12:5, Abram took Lot, Sarai, the possessions they had acquired, and                     .

A. Much food for the people

B. Much feed for the livestock

C. People they had acquired in Haran

D. Incense for sacrifice

C. People they had acquired in Haran


. In Genesis 15:4, the word of the Lord came to Abram saying, "This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your              shall be your heir."

A. Father’s household

B. Brother’s household

C. Own body

D. None of the above

C. Own body


Genesis 16:12 states, “He shall be a              man; His hand shall be against every man, And every man's hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." 

A. Strange

B. Wild

C. Sorrowful

D. Sad

B. Wild


 According to Genesis 18:5, what kind of food did Abraham want to bring to the men?

A. Fish and a loaf

B. Bread

C. Stew

D. Manna

B. Bread


33. In Genesis 9:28, who lived 350 years after the flood?

A. Methuselah

B. Noah’s wife

C. Noah

D. Canaan

C. Noah


According to Genesis 13:11, Lot chose for himself all of the plain of         .

A. Jordan

B. Canaan

C. Uz

D. Kaldez

A. Jordan


 In Genesis 15:14, God tells Abram that He will judge this nation, but He says that Abram’s descendants will come out with great             .

A. Children

B. Livestock

C. Possessions

D. Wives

C. Possessions


According to Genesis 16:16, how old was Abram when Ishmael was born?

A. 75

B. 100

C. 86

D. 70

C. 86


 In Genesis 18:33, after the Lord finished speaking with Abraham, He went His way, and Abraham                 .

A. Followed Him

B. Stayed there

C. Returned to his place

D. Went to Sodom

C. Returned to his place
