what is my favorite color a. blue. b.baby blue. c dark blue.
dark blue
you can catch me but never throw me
a cold
this amendment proctect our freedom of religon
the first amendment
what is my favorite sport a basket ball b soccer c football.
Trick question i dont have one
what has teeth but cant bite
a comb
what is another name for the connrctuict compromise
whats my favorite food a lasanga b pizza c chicken
i have no life but i can die what am i
a battery
where was james madasion born
WHAT instrement would i play if i didnt choose viola a cello b bass c violen
what has hands but cant clap
a clock
whats my favorite fancy drink in an 11 year olds mind
a shirly temple
whatb did i use to make buddy like
idk i just did it
what has 13 hearts but no organs
a deck of cards
when did the first episode of jepordy air
march 30 1964