Create the superlative and absolute superlative form of the following words for the given subject.
They are the least interesting guests. (superlative)
The event was extremely boring. (absolute superlative)
Ellos son los invitados menos interesantes.
El evento fue aburridísimo.
(accent marks required)
Which does not belong and why?
boda. The other 3 are desserts (postres).
What are the irregular preterite stems for the following verbs and what do the verbs mean?
estar - to be (temporary, feelings, location) estuv,
anduv - to walk - anduv
tener - to have - tuv
Choose the correct option from below, based on conjugation AND meaning.
Tú no __________ ir a la boda porque tuviste que trabajar.
(estuviste, estuvo, pudo, pudiste, fuiste, fue, conociste, conoció)
You could not go to the wedding because you had to work.
Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative word using correct spelling and accent marks.
¿ ___________ naciste? Yo nací en South Bend, IN.
Where were you born? I was born in South Bend, IN.
Create the superlative and absolute superlative form of the following words for the given subject.
It was the most fun party. (superlative)
The music was extremely good. (absolute superlative)
Fue la fiesta más divertida.
La música fue buenísima.
(accent marks required)
Which does not belong and why?
día de fiesta
juventud. The other three are celebrations/related to holidays. juventud is a life stage.
What are the irregular preterite stems for the following verbs and what do the verbs mean?
no querer
querer- to try - quis
no querer - to refuse
venir - to come - vin
hacer - to do/make - hic, hiz (must have both)
Choose the correct option from below, based on conjugation AND meaning.
Ayer nosotros _________________ que nuestro bisabuelo murió y su funeral es en 5 días.
(tuvimos, conocimos, supimos, dimos, trajimos)
Yesterday we found out that our great grandfather died and his funeral is in 5 days.
Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative word using correct spelling and accent marks.
¿ ___________ día de la semana es la Navidad este año? La navidad es el cuarto jueves de diciembre este año.
Qué (noun rule)
What day of the week is Christmas this year? Christmas is the 4th Thursday of December this year.
Create the superlative and absolute superlative form of the following words for the given subject.
It was the most beautiful wedding (superlative), but it was extremely long. (absolute superlative)
Fue la boda más bonita, pero fue larguísima.
(Irregular spelling, must include the u spell change)
(accent marks required)
Which does not belong and why?
invitado - the other 4 are related to relationship status, invitado means guest.
What are the irregular preterite stems for the following verbs and what do the verbs mean?
conducir - to drive - conduj
traer - to bring - traj
decir - to say/tell - dij
traducir - to translate - traduj
Choose the correct option from below, based on conjugation AND meaning.
Mis abuelos le _______________ 300 dólares a mi prima para su quinceañera.
(vio, dio, hubo, puso, vieron, dieron, pusieron)
My grandparents gave 300 dollars to my cousin for her quinceañera.
Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative word using correct spelling and accent marks.
¿ ___________ de los vestidos fue tu favorito de la tienda? Me gustó más el vestido largo y blanco.
Which of the dresses was your favorite in the store? I liked the long, white dress the most.
Create the superlative and absolute superlative form of the following words for the given subject.
I am the oldest of the family. (superlative)
My siblings are extremely young. (absolute superlative)
Yo soy el/la mayor de la familia. Mis hermanos son jovencísimos.
(irregular spell change, c)
Which does not belong and why?
pasarlo bien
odiar - the other 4 are related to having a good time or something positive. odiar means to hate.
What are the irregular preterite stems for the following verbs and what do the verbs mean?
Saber -
poner -
poder -
no poder -
poner - to put, place, set - pus
poder - to be able to, to manage - pud
no poder - to fail
Choose the correct option from below, based on conjugation AND meaning.
Los camareros nos ____________ helado a la mesa y yo serví el pastel que ____________ en casa.
(trajo, trajimos, trajeron, trajieron, hizo, hice, hicieron, )
Los camareros nos trajeron helado a la mesa y yo serví el pastel que hice en casa.
The waiters brought us ice cream to the table and I served the cake that I made at home.
Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative word using correct spelling and accent marks.
¿ ___________ te relajas después de la escuela? Juego algunos videojuegos con amigos o miro la tele un rato.
How do you relax after school? I play some video games with friends or watch tv for a little while.
Create the superlative and absolute superlative form of the following words for the given subject.
She is the worst person (superlative)
but she is extremely rich. (absolute superlative)
Ella es la peor persona, pero (ella) es riquísima.
Which does not belong and why?
jubilarse - each of the other 3 words are a stage of a romantic relationship. Jubilarse is work related.
What are all irregular conjugations for the following verbs and what do the verbs mean? (can skip vosotros)
ir/ser - to go, to be - fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
dar - to give - di, diste, dio, dimos, dieron
ver - to see - vi, viste, vio, vimos, vieron
haber - there was/were - hubo
Mi padre no ___________ en casa, ya ___________ a la fiesta.
(estuve, fue, conduje, estuviste, fui, estuvo, condujo)
Mi padre no estuvo en casa, ya condujo a la fiesta.
My father was not at home, he already drove to the party.
Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative word using correct spelling and accent marks.
¿ ___________ de los futbolistas son los más talentosos: los de Real Madrid o de Barça? ¡En mi opinión los de Madrid son los mejores!
Which of the soccer players are the most talented ones- those of Real Madrid or of Barça? In my opinion, the ones from Madrid are the best!