What is the writing system that uses symbols to represent entire words or concepts?
Logographic writing
Chinese characters
What ancient civilization developed cuneiform?
The Sumerians
In which direction is Arabic script written?
Right to left
What is the name of the small marks added to letters to change pronunciation, such as accents?
What writing system was invented for the blind?
What is the name of a writing system where each symbol represents a syllable?В
Japanese Kana
What was the main purpose of early writing systems?
Record-keeping, administration, trade
What do we call writing that alternates direction every line?
What is the term for the study of letter shapes and their design?
What artificial writing system was created for the Korean language?
В What type of writing system represents individual sounds?
What civilization used hieroglyphic writing?
Ancient Egyptians
Which major writing system is written vertically instead of horizontally?
Traditional Chinese and Japanese writing
What are symbols used to express emotion or meaning in digital writing?
Emojis or emoticons
What is the name of the Cherokee writing system?
Cherokee syllabary, created by Sequoyah
What is a writing system that combines logographic and phonetic elements?
Mixed system
Japanese Kanji+Kana
What early writing system was used by the Maya?
Maya hieroglyphics
What is the name for writing where letters are joined together, such as in Arabic?
Cursive writing
What is the term for decorative handwriting or artistic lettering?
What modern constructed script is used in the fictional “Star Trek” universe?
Clingon script
What is the term for writing that does not correspond to spoken language, such as mathematical notation?
Semasiographic writing
What is the oldest known writing material?
Clay tablets, used for cuneiform
What is the term for writing without spaces between words?
Scriptio continua, used in ancient Greek and Latin
What is the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters called?
Letter case distinction
What is the name of the writing system used in “The Lord of the Rings” for Elvish languages?
Tengwar, created by J.R.R. Tolkien