Who is the main female character who runs away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art?
Claudia Kincaid
What does Claudia want to accomplish by running away to the museum?
to teach her parents a lesson in Claudia appreciation
Where do Claudia and Jamie choose to hide out and live temporarily?
the Metropolitan Museum of Art
What object do Claudia and Jamie use to collect their research about "Angel"?
a notebook
Who is Claudia’s younger brother who also runs away with her?
Jamie Kincaid
What special item in the museum are Claudia and Jamie drawn to investigate?
the statue called "Angel"
This is the city where the story takes place, where the Metropolitan Museum of Art is located.
New York City
This is the mode of transportation Claudia and Jamie use to get to the museum.
the train
This character is the wealthy and mysterious owner of the files Claudia and Jamie investigate.
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
How do Claudia and Jamie manage to hide overnight in the museum?
hiding in the bathroom until the museum closes
Where do Claudia and Jamie find the clue that leads them to the secret of the statue?
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler's office
What type of bed do Claudia and Jamie sleep in at the museum?
an antique bed
Who helps Claudia and Jamie learn more about the statue "Angel"?
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
What do Claudia and Jamie eat for breakfast while living in the museum?
rolls and cheese
Where do Claudia and Jamie go to wash their clothes while living in the museum?
the museum's fountain
What does Jamie buy to keep track of their finances?
a transistor radio
What role does Saxonberg play in the story?
the family lawyer and Mrs. Frankweiler's friend
How do Claudia and Jamie travel back to the museum after visiting Mrs. Frankweiler’s house?
by taking a cab
In which part of the museum do Claudia and Jamie sleep?
the Medieval art section
What do Claudia and Jamie use to carry their belongings to the museum?
instrument cases