Of the two models, this model is focused on ensuring the rights of accused are protected, not the model that ensures the guilty are found guilty regardless of constitutional protections. The end does NOT justify the means.
What is the Due Process Model
Latin for Body of the Crime, it defines the elements of crimes.
What is Corpus Dilecti
What is exposure?
Cesare Baccaria and Jeremy Benthem belong to this theoretical school of criminology
What is Classical
10 families are a tithing
10 Tithings are a hundred
Several hundreds are this
What is a Shire?
The wedding cake model includes celebrated cases, lesser felonies, Misdemeanors, and this.
What are Serious Felonies?
Latin for guilty mind, this describes the intent necessary to commit a crime.
What is Mens Rea
The name of the crime where a death occurs during the commission of certain crimes.
What is the felony murder rule?
This theory purports that a person can be treated in a way that will eventual lead to their involvment in criminality.
What is the labeling theory.
This British man is often known as the Father of Modern Policing.
Who is Sir Robert Peel?
Because the Criminal Justice System is comprised of parts that rarely work together, it can be called this
What is the Criminal Justice Non-System?
This is the type of crime in which no intent is necessary
What is a strict liability crime?
Also known as premeditation, this describes the decision to commit a homicide prior to acting.
What is Malice Aforethought?
This man was said to have been the father of two children, one from his wife and one from a prostitute, who were studied to understand the role of genetics in criminality.
Who is Martin Kallikak?
This was the name of the legislation that created Robert Peel's London law enforcement agency.
What is the Metropolitan Police Act?
This is the ability to make decisions based on ones own judgment in a particular situation. This especially applies to law enforcement.
What is discretion?
Latin for guilty act, this describes the necessary action to commit a crime
What is Actus Reus?
Burglary is entering a structure with the intent to commit a theft or this.
What is a felony?
Similar to Classical school of thought in which people have free will, but includes the exceptions that not every can make a rational decision
What is the neo-classical theory?
The name of a police reformer in America who was the Chief of Police in Berkeley, CA
August Vollmer.
The theory that states that most people in a society agree on what should be illegal
What is the consensus model?
This is the burden of proof necessary to obtain a conviction in criminal court.
What is beyond a reasonable doubt?
The name of a crime in which a theft occurs through the use of force or fear.
What is robbery?
The routine activities theory claims that 3 aspects contribute to crime: a suitable target, a motivated offender, and the lack of this.
What is a capable guardian.
This is the primary responsibility of the US Secret Service.
What is Fraud or Forgery or Counterfeiting?