The order or pattern of rules that society establishes to the Government
What is Law?
Everyone has a set of rights, an it's up to the government to protect them
Right Theory
Capitalism succeeds because of trust that produces good business relationships
The Importance of Trust
A common method of satisfying a judgment
What is a Garnishment?
Example of limited or special jurisdiction court
Court of original jurisdiction
Rules promulgated by state and federal administrative agencies
Administrative Law
Act in our own self-interest and only jude ourselves
Ethical Egoism Theory
The strongest value system are more successful
Business Ethics & Financial Performance
Jury Selection
What is a voir dire?
The defendant attacking the plaintiff's pleading as not stating a cause of action or defense
Motion of Dismiss
Rules and regulations parties agree to as part of their contractual relationship
Private Law
We should do the good for the most amount of people
Utilitarian Theory
Company's name and image, if it's good or bad can have a dramatic impact upon the business
The Importance of Good Reputation
The examinations made of a witness by an attorney of the opposing party
Cross Examination
U.S Supreme Court was Created by the
The U.S Constitution
Wrongs against society
Criminal Wrongs
Standards should be based on the circumstances, and there shouldn't be predefined standards
Moral Relativists
Integrity & Truthfulness, promise keeping, Loyalty, Doing no harm and maintaining confidentiality all belongs to
Categories of Ethical Behavior
An examination of the witness by their attorney
Direct Examination
There are ____ Federal Judicial districts in the U.S Court Appeals
The law that must be followed in enforcing rights and liabilities
Procedural Law
Resolving ethical dilemmas requires training
Plato and Aristotle and Virtue Ethics
Requires examination of the dilemma from all perspectives
Laura Nash Model
A claim that the defendant in an action made against the plantiff
A person the initiates the civil lawsuit is called