What is the Scout Motto?
Be prepared
What are the 3 elements needed to start a fire?
Heat, fuel and oxygen
Who founded Scouting?
Robert Baden-Powell
What does the "A" in the ABC's of first aid stand for?
What type of bird is featured in the Boy Scouts of America logo?
Bald Eagle
How many points in the Scout Law?
12 points
What is the universal distress signal for help?
Three of anything (eg. whistle blasts, three fires, or three flashes of light)
In what year was the Boy Scouts of America Founded?
What should you do first when treating a minor burn?
Cool the burn with cold water or a cool, wet cloth
What is the term for a Scout's duty to help preserve the environment?
Leave no trace
What knot is used to tie two ropes of different thicknesses together?
What direction does moss typically grow on trees?
North (in the Northern Hemisphere, though not always reliable)
What was the name of the first Scouting Handbook?
Scouting for Boys
How many chest compressions should you give during one cycle of CPR for an adult?
30 compressions
What is the name of the largest Scout Camp in the US, known for its wildlife and natural beauty?
Philmont Scout Ranch
What is the outdoor code?
As an American, I will do my best to: Be clean in my outdoor manners, be careful with fire, be considerate in the outdoors, and be conservation-minded.
What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Where was the first official Scout Camp held?
Brownsea Island
What does RICE stand for in treating a sprain?
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What is the BSA's rule about observing wildlife?
Observe wildlife from a distance and never disturb or feed them
What color is the first class rank badge?
Gold and Brown
What are the three R's of personal safety?
Recognize, resist, report
What does the Scout sign symbolize?
The three fingers represent the three parts of the Scout Oath
If someone is bleeding heavily, what is the first step you should take to control it?
Apply direct pressure to the wound
What is the proper way to store food in bear country?
Hang it at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet away from a tree trunk, or use a bear-proof container.