This Dr. returned to school at the age of 39 to study bacteriology.
Dr. Walter Reed
How many theories for Yellow Fever transmission are studied in The Secret of the Yellow Death chapters 1-7?
How many of Dr. Lazear's original mosquito experiment volunteers contracted Yellow Fever?
True or False?
A telltale sign that a person is suffering from yellow fever is the toe nail fungus rapidly grow when they come in contact with the disease.
False. Gross. Also, people don't get yellow fever from contact.
This Dr. served in the army. One of his motivations was to alleviate human suffering.
Dr. Walter Reed
The Mosquito Theory named the _______________ species as carrying and spreading Yellow Fever.
a. Bacillus Icteroides
b. Aedes aegypti
c. Bacillus Flacillus
b. Aedes aegypti
True or False? Upon feeling a chill and fierce headache, Dr. Carroll knew immediately that he was sick with Yellow Fever.
"Dr. Pinto glanced in his direction, saw the bacteriologist, and made an instant diagnosis. 'Yellow fever,' he said succinctly.
'Don’t be a . . . fool,' Carroll responded. 'I have no such thing.'"
Which is not a symptom of Yellow Fever?
fever, nausea, heartache, black vomit, yellow eyes
This Dr. volunteered to be bitten by an infected mosquito to help his colleague.
Dr. James Carroll
Name the doctor who studied mosquitos as the cause of yellow fever for over 20 years.
Dr. Carlos Finlay
True or False? Absolutely no one volunteered to be bitten by contaminated mosquitos because the mosquito theory was proven false!
False. The mosquito theory experiments had failed many times but hadn't been disproven Lazear and Finlay's tests. These experiments were completed thanks to the many selfless civilian and soldier volunteers.
True or False? Between 1800 and 1900—the disease sickened approximately 500,000 U.S. citizens and killed about 100,000.
This Dr. specialized in autopsies.
Dr. Aristides Agramonte
What is the name of the germ that scientists debunked as the cause of yellow fever?
Yes, spelling counts. It is worth 500 points!
Bacillus Icteroides
Who was the first doctor to volunteer to be bitten by an infected mosquito?
Dr. Lazear
Describe where Yellow Fever is most common?
Warm, humid environments necessary for mosquito populations to flourish. For instance, Africa and South America.
This Dr. was responsible for examining bacteria and tissue under a microscope. He also worked closely with Dr. Finlay.
Dr. Lazear
Name the three key theories about Yellow Fever transmission.
Name or description is fine.
1. Contact Theory- The disease is spread by touching contaminated items such as an infected person's clothing.
2. Bacillus Icteroides
3. Mosquito Theory- Particular mosquitos transmitted the disease by biting infected individuals and then biting healthy ones.
Name the doctor that contracted Yellow Fever after being bitten by an infected mosquito in chapter 7.
Dr. Carroll
Describe the type of person that is at risk for catching Yellow Fever.
Trick Question. Anyone could catch yellow fever if they are bitten by a contaminated mosquito. The disease does not discriminate. This is why it was so deadly.