Letter to Lord Rothschild
Is it Fair to Eat Choc. 1
Is it Fair to Eat Choc. 2
Is it Fair to Eat Choc.3
William Cadbury Ltr. To Chocolate Estate Owners

The sentence in the letter from Lord Rothschild (a British intelligence officer) explains what caused him to request the drawing you see in the letter. Select one of the sentences below.

a. “I wonder if you could do a drawing for me of an explosive slab of chocolate.”

b. “We have received information that the enemy are using pound slabs of chocolate which are made of steel with a very thin covering of real chocolate.”

c. “When you break off a piece of chocolate at one end in the normal way, instead of it falling away, a piece of canvas is revealed stuck into the middle of the piece which has been broken off and sticking into the middle of the remainder of the slab.”

d. “Would it be possible for you to do a drawing of this, one possibly with the paper half taken off revealing one end and another with the piece broken off showing the canvas.”

What is b?. “We have received information that the enemy are using pound slabs of chocolate which are made of steel with a very thin covering of real chocolate.”


The author’s MAIN purpose for beginning paragraph 1 with a question to readers? 

a. To give readers information about the topic 

b. To present the author’s point of view on the topic 

c. To grab the readers’ attention by making them think about their own experiences with the topic

 d. To explain a problem that needs a solution

What is c? c. To grab the readers’ attention by making them think about their own experiences with the topic


The sentence from paragraph 5 that MOST CLEARLY states that a lack of money among farming families is the biggest reason for child labor. 

a. In 2001 the U.S. government created a document, the Harkin-Engel Protocol, that called the chocolate companies to help eliminate child slavery and child labor by July 2005. 

b. However, chocolate companies have not abided by this protocol and the deadline has been extended to July 2008. 

c. Even if the companies do convince countries to stop selling their children, and they teach farmers that their children need to go to school, the cocoa farmers would still make barely enough money to survive.

What is c? c. Even if the companies do convince countries to stop selling their children, and they teach farmers that their children need to go to school, the cocoa farmers would still make barely enough money to survive.


The sentence from the text that BEST shows that Fair Trade is good for farmers? 

a. “For generations they have depended on growing and selling cocoa beans as their main means of survival.” (4) 

b. “Companies that buy cocoa beans from these farmers sign a document promising to pay the farmers a fair trade price which is enough for them to buy food and clothing for their families and send their children to school.” (6)

c. “Also, all organic chocolate made with cocoa grown on farms without child laborers is labeled fair trade.” (6) 

d. “Now chocolate can be eaten fair and square!” (8)

What is b? b. “Companies that buy cocoa beans from these farmers sign a document promising to pay the farmers a fair trade price which is enough for them to buy food and clothing for their families and send their children to school.” (6)


The sentence from paragraph 7 that expresses the author’s OPINION. 

a. Farmers must have control over their cocoa bean prices.

b. Before 1999, the government in the Ivory Coast set a minimum price for cocoa, but then the cocoa industry was privatized and the minimum price disappeared. 

c. Groups like Save the Children say that minimum price laws need to return

What is a? a. Farmers must have control over their cocoa bean prices. 


 Read this sentence from Lord Rothschild’s letter: “When the piece of chocolate is pulled sharply, the canvas is also pulled and this initiates the mechanism.” The following would BEST replace the italicized word.

a. tugs on

b. communicates with

c. begins

d. Introduces

What is c? begins


Paragraph 2 describes Sametta’s daily routine. It states that Sametta “does not go to school.” The sentence in this paragraph that BEST explains why. a. Imagine this: 12-year old Sametta lives in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa.

 b. She wakes up at 4:00 a.m., eats millet porridge, then walks two miles to her family’s cocoa bean field. 

c. For the next 12 hours she picks cocoa pods and breaks them open so she can scoop out the 30–50 seeds, or “beans,” inside. 

d. About 400 beans are needed to make one pound of chocolate. 

e. Sametta does not go to school. 

f. Her family needs her to work in order for them to survive. 

g. Her health is at risk because she uses a sharp machete to harvest the cocoa pods, which are sprayed with poisonous pesticides.

What is F? f. Her family needs her to work in order for them to survive.


The sentence from paragraph 6 that BEST explains what “Fair Trade Certified” means? 

a. There is hope. 

b. An emerging group of farms in Africa and South America are called Fair Trade Certified. 

c. Companies that buy cocoa beans from these farmers sign a document promising to pay the farmers a fair trade price which is enough for them to buy food and clothing for their families and send their children to school.

 d. There are about 45,000 farmers in this program.

 e. Chocolate made from these farmers’ beans is labeled Fair Trade.

 f. Also, all organic chocolate made with cocoa grown on farms without child laborers is labeled fair trade.

What is c? c. Companies that buy cocoa beans from these farmers sign a document promising to pay the farmers a fair trade price which is enough for them to buy food and clothing for their families and send their children to school.


The sentence the author would MOST LIKELY agree.

 a. Conditions experienced by child laborers today are not so bad when you compare them to the slavery of 200 years ago. 

b. Running a company involves a lot of expenses, so companies must cut costs wherever possible. 

c. People in the US who eat chocolate should be informed about how chocolate is produced so they can choose to support companies that are fair to workers.

d. People in the US should not be allowed to buy chocolate because of the risk of supporting harmful child labor practices.

What is c? c. People in the US who eat chocolate should be informed about how chocolate is produced so they can choose to support companies that are fair to workers. 


Read the following statements and indicate whether each one is supported by Deborah Dunn’s writing, by William A. Cadbury’s writing, or by both authors’ writing. 

Supported by Deborah Dunn’s writing: ____ Supported by William A. Cadbury’s writing: ____ Supported by both authors’ writing: ____ 

a. The farmers who produce chocolate should not be forced to do this work. 

b. The customers who eat chocolate are concerned about the bad labor conditions. 

c. The chocolate companies are concerned about the bad labor conditions.

What is Supported by Deborah Dunn’s writing: B?

What is Supported by William A. Cadbury’s writing: C?

What is Supported by both authors’ writing: A 


The information from the letter that is shown in the illustration. Select THREE.

a. “Slabs of chocolate which are made of steel with a very thin covering of real chocolate.”

b. “Inside there is high explosive and some form of delay mechanism.”

c. “A piece of canvas is revealed stuck into the middle of the piece which has been broken off and sticking into the middle of the remainder of the slab.”

d. “This initiates the mechanism.” 

e. “The paper half taken off revealing one end and another with the piece broken off showing the canvas.”

What is a,c,e?

a. “Slabs of chocolate which are made of steel with a very thin covering of real chocolate.”

c. “A piece of canvas is revealed stuck into the middle of the piece which has been broken off and sticking into the middle of the remainder of the slab.”

e. “The paper half taken off revealing one end and another with the piece broken off showing the canvas.”


Read this sentence from paragraph 3: “Going to school is out of the question.” The statement that BEST describes the meaning of the phrase “out of the question” as it is used in this sentence. 

a. Child laborers question why they cannot go to school. 

b. The families of child laborers question the value of school. 

c. Going to school is not possible for child laborers.

d. Going to school is not something child laborers like to do.

What is c? c. Going to school is not possible for child laborers. 


The sentence from paragraph 6 that MOST clearly states the writer’s point of view. 

a. There is hope.

b. An emerging group of farms in Africa and South America are called Fair Trade Certified. 

c. Companies that buy cocoa beans from these farmers sign a document promising to pay the farmers a fair trade price which is enough for them to buy food and clothing for their families and send their children to school. 

d. There are about 45,000 farmers in this program.

 e. Chocolate made from these farmers’ beans is labeled Fair Trade. 

f. Also, all organic chocolate made with cocoa grown on farms without child laborers is labeled fair trade.

What is a? a. There is hope. 


17. The author of this article makes various arguments about the chocolate industry. Match each piece of evidence to the claim it supports by writing the correct letter on each blank. 


1. Chocolate companies are motivated by a desire to make high profits. _____

 2. People who buy chocolate in the US have the power to influence the big chocolate companies. _____ 

3. Children who work as laborers for chocolate companies do so because their family cannot make a living wage without their help.

 _____ 4. Child laborers who harvest cocoa beans face dangerous conditions.


a. “Her health is at risk because she uses a sharp machete to harvest the cocoa pods, which are sprayed with poisonous pesticides.” 

b. “For generations they have depended on growing and selling cocoa beans as their main means of survival. Without help from their children the farmers would not be able to buy food.” 

c. “Most farmers only earn between $30 and $100 a year. Cheap or free labor means more profits for the chocolate companies.” 

d. “Third, write letters to the biggest chocolate companies (Nestle, M&M/ Mars and Hershey) telling them that they need to buy at least some of their cocoa from Fair Trade Certified farms so that kids can go to school.” (8)  

What is ...

1: C 

2: D 

3: B 

4: A 


The IB learner profile for this month.

What is thinker?

What is communicator?


The drawing of the chocolate bomb has a caption that reads: “The bomb is made of steel with a thin covering of real chocolate. When the piece of chocolate at the end is broken off the canvas shown is pulled, and after a delay of seven seconds the bomb explodes.” The information from the letter that is NOT included in this caption. Select ONE.

a. The bomb is made of chocolate-covered steel.

b. The wrapper says PETERS brand chocolate.

c. Breaking off a piece of chocolate pulls the canvas.

d. The bomb explodes after a delay of seven seconds.

What is b? b. The wrapper says PETERS brand chocolate.


Read this sentence from paragraph 4: “For generations they have depended on growing and selling cocoa beans as their main means of survival.” The meaning of the word “means” as it is used in this sentence. 

a. Method

b. Definition 

c. Purpose 

d. Demonstration

What is a? a. Method 


Read this sentence from paragraph 7: Before 1999, the government in the Ivory Coast set a minimum price for cocoa, but then the cocoa industry was privatized and the minimum price disappeared. The author means this by the underlined word.

 Fill in the blank with the set of words that best completes the sentence. The word “minimum” means that the price ______ 

a. needs to be a certain amount or higher.

b. needs to be a certain amount or lower. 

c. needs to be set so it never changes.

What is a? a. needs to be a certain amount or higher. 


This question has two parts. Part 1: The author’s MAIN purpose in this text. 

a. To inform readers about conditions faced by child laborers who harvest chocolate in West Africa 

b. To persuade readers to buy Fair Trade chocolate so that they can help end child labor

c. To describe the process by which chocolate today is produced and sold 

d. To narrate the experiences of children who are forced to pick cocoa beans that will be sold to big chocolate companies

What is b? b. To persuade readers to buy Fair Trade chocolate so that they can help end child labor 


The ATL skills are.

What is communication, research, and thinking skills?


What is the author's point of view (how the author feels toward a topic)?

a. Lord Rothschild feels it necessary to understand how the chocolate bomb works to protect themselves in the future.

b. Lord Rothschild feels revenge should be taken against the enemies.

c. Lord Rothschild feels the creator of the chocolate bomb is someone within  their own military.

What is a? a. Lord Rothschild feels it necessary to understand how the chocolate bomb works to protect themselves in the future.


Read this excerpt from paragraph 4: 

“Big chocolate companies like Mars/M&M want to buy cocoa beans for as little cash as possible so that they can make big profits selling their chocolate products. Chocolate companies pay farmers a very low price for their cocoa beans. Most farmers only earn between $30 and $100 a year. Cheap or free labor means more profits for the chocolate companies.” This excerpt supports which TWO inferences (conclusions) about big chocolate companies? 

a. Big chocolate companies feel bad about the harsh conditions faced by their child laborers. 

b. Paying workers low wages is one way big chocolate companies can keep profits high. 

c. Big chocolate companies have the power to decide how much they will pay for cocoa beans.

d. Big chocolate companies did not make enough profits in the past, so they feel pressure to make higher profits now. 

e. Big chocolate companies plan to start paying laborers more as soon as they have raised enough cash

What is b, c?

b. Paying workers low wages is one way big chocolate companies can keep profits high. 

c. Big chocolate companies have the power to decide how much they will pay for cocoa beans.


In paragraph 1, the author makes a claim: “Child labor is becoming of increasing concern to people who buy chocolate.” 

The author uses the following types of evidence to support this claim. 

Yes or No 

a. Statistics about how many children work in chocolate production _____ _____ 

b. Quotes from customers who are concerned about child labor _____ _____ 

c. An anecdote (story) about a child laborer’s living and working conditions _____ _____

What is Yes: A, C?  What is No: B?


Part 2: The statement about the article’s structure that BEST supports your answer in Part 1.

 a. The article begins with a question to the reader.

 b. Paragraph 2 tells the story of a child who is forced to work as a child laborer. 

c. Paragraph 6 explains what it means for chocolate to be Fair Trade Certified. 

d. The article ends by telling readers three things they can do to help end child labor.

What is d? d. The article ends by telling readers three things they can do to help end child labor.


Central idea is.

What is the text mostly about?
