In the Brain
Sweet Heart
Just Breathe
1, 2 Step
Careers in Pediatrics

This is the range of hours of sleep recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for adolescents to be healthy and have the best physical and mental functioning (including at school!)

What is 8–10 hours?


This is the number of chambers responsible for circulating blood throughout the human heart.

What is 4? (2 atria and 2 ventricles) 


In addition to constriction/narrowing of the airways within the lungs, the medical condition "asthma" often features this other physiologic process.

What is inflammation?


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children, adolescents, and young adults receive at least this many minutes of physical activity each day.

What is 60 minutes?


True or False: obtaining a medical degree (e.g. MD or DO) is the only path to a career in pediatrics?

What is False? (There is a diverse array of careers within Pediatrics - for example: physician, physician assistant, nursing, nurse practitioner, audiology, nutrition, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and so much more!) 


Drinking this substance has been shown to slow down reaction times, impair judgement, and when consumed often in heavy amounts can increase the risk of cancer, mental health issues, and permanent brain damage.

What is alcohol?


This side of the heart is responsible for receiving deoxygenated blood (i.e. blood with lower levels of oxygen) from the body and delivering it to the lungs where it can undergo gas exchange.

What is the right side?


This rescue medication is often provided to relieve patients in the event that they are having an asthma attack?

What is an inhaler? (or What is albuterol?)


This simple, yet easy and effective car behavior reduces the risk of serious injury or death by more than 50% and has saved nearly 400,000 lives since 1975. 

What is wearing a seatbelt?


A minimum of this many years of additional schooling/training after high school is required to enter a health professional/medical career within pediatrics.

At least 4 years of college 

(some undergraduate programs offer BSN degrees for those interested in nursing). Some professions including the physician track, require up to 11 years (including residency training)


This condition describing infection or inflammation of the brain and/or spinal cord is well prevented by the immunizations, "Menactra", "MenHibrix", and or "Menveo."

What is Meningitis?



Incorporating this important hygienic activity into your routine twice a day has been linked to preventing disease that impacts the heart valves, heart lining, and heart function?

What is brushing your teeth?


This company is the manufacture of a vaccine which has been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 12+ and soon to include children 5-11.

Who is Pfiezer-BioNTech?


While relatively uncommon, this condition causing abnormal curves in the spine is often identified in the pre-teen and teenager years by primary care pediatricians.

What is scoliosis?


True or False: In order to enter a career/profession within pediatrics, you must go straight through undergrad and professional school without taking any gaps.

What is False?

Many individuals within the pediatrics carry a diverse variety of experiences before going into medicine or other health careers. This includes participating in global health opportunities, advocacy, public health, research, pursuing advanced degrees, and other opportunities.


Despite the fact that the transition of teenager to adult is stated to legally occur at age 18 in the U.S., the ongoing growth, development, and maturity of the rationalizing/thinking part of the human brain actually isn't completed until this age.

What is 25?


In addition to high blood pressure and high cholesterol, this preventable behavior is an important risk factor that contributes to heart disease in adults.

What is smoking?


This pediatric condition involving improper movement of chloride ions and water within the lungs, increases the risk of many lung infections throughout life. (Made famous by the film "Five Feet Apart")

What is cystic fibrosis? 


In addition to post-workout and post-sports after care activities, this behavior done before exercise or strenuous play has been shown to reduce the risk of muscle, joint, and tendon injuries during activity.

What is stretching?


In addition to taking care of babies, young children, and adolescents, as a pediatrician you also have the opportunity to take care of this additional part of the patient's life.

Who is their family/parents/support system?
