What is the adverse effect for ace inhibitors?
This blood enzyme test is a sign of skeletal muscle damage
What is Creatine kinase (CK)?
Theses cells found in the pancreases produce insulin
What are beta cell?
The most common cause of heart failure
What is high blood pressure/hypertension?
This is the acronym for signs of a stroke with its meaning
F- Face A-Arms S- Speech T- Time to call 911
Avoid this class of drugs in patient's with glaucoma
What are anticholinergics?
This muscle, not found on the back, is the largest in the body
What is gluteus maximus?
Before humalog is given this should be in the room
What is food/meal/plate?
Digoxion toxicity is associated with this electrolyte abnormality
What is hyperkalemia?
This is a common type of stroke found in people with A-Fib
What is an ischemic stroke?
Giving this drug to fast could make a man as red as a beet
What is vancomycin?
This muscle is the most commonly torn muscle
What is the hamstring? because it crosses multiple joints, making it susceptible to strain and tears when overstretched during sudden movements.
A patient has a new diagnosis of diabetes, the nurse would do this first.
What is access their knowledge of diabetes?
Right sided heart failure caused by COPD
What is cor pulmonale?
Bradycardia, hypertension, and abnormal breathing pattern indicating increasing ICP
What is Cushing's triad?
A 71 year old man is brought in after experiencing chest pain on his wedding night, this part of MONA will likely be withheld
What is Nitroglycerin
This holds muscles to bones
What are ligaments?
A nurse is watching a patient newly diagnosed with diabetes check his glucose by sticking the middle of his finger, the patient needs
What is further teaching/ more education?
This blood test is elevated in patient's with heart failure.
What is BNP (brain natriuretic peptide)?
The most common cause of TBI's in the elderly
What are falls?
This common electrolyte is never to be give IV push as a life saving measure
What is potassium
This holds muscles to bones
What are tendons?
A patient with diabetes is warned about the dangers of diabetic retinopathy and told to have an eye exam at least
What is once a year/yearly?
This heart sound is most commonly associated with systolic heart failure
What is S-3?
Found in the frontal lobe of the brain a stroke in this area could leave you speechless
What is Broca's area?