In general, what do we not do with the final consonant of words ending with "d”, "p”, "s”, "t”.
We do not pronounce the final consonant of words ending with "d”, "p”, "s”, "t”
Conjugate this verb: Je (parler)
Je parle
Explain the difference between "tu" and "vous"
Tu is singluar & informal
Vous is plural and/or formal
How do you ask "how are you" in French?
Comment ça va ?
Comment allez-vous ?
We do not pronounce the d in grand, but we do in grande.
Conjugate this verb: Tu (prendre)
Tu prends
What phrase can we use at the beginning of yes or no questions?
Est-ce que
How do you say your age (ex. I am 24 years old)
J'ai ___ ans. J'ai 23 ans.
How is this pronounced: Ils parlent
The "s" is silent and the "ent" is silent. "Il parle"
Conjugate this verb: il (finir)
Il finit
What does BANGS stand for?
Beauty, Age, Number, Goodness, Size
Goes before the noun
How do you say "I agree" in French?
Je suis d'accord.
How is this accent pronounced: é
"eh" or "ay"
Conjugate this verb: Nous (manger)
Nous mangeons
What is the feminine version of "un vendeur"
Une vendeuse
How do you say "I hate" in French?
Je déteste
Say this tongue twister correctly: Les vers verts levèrent le verre vert vers le ver vert.
"Les vers verts levèrent le verre vert vers le ver vert."
Conjugate this verb: ils (etre)
What is the difference between a definite article and an indefinite article? Give an example of each.
BONUS: What is the 3rd type of article
A definite article indicates a specific thing/object. (le, la, les) it is the equivalent of "the"
An indefinite article indicates a non-specific thing/object. (un, une, des) it is the equivalent of "a/an"
Partitive Articles (de, de la, des)
How do you say "why do you like the winter" in French?
Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes l'hiver?
Pourquoi aimes-tu l'hiver?