True or False - You can change the genes inherited from your parents.
True or False - People are unlike to use or relapse when experiencing negative feelings, to feel better
True or False - Everyone has ups and downs in mood
True or False. The world we live in can have an effect on us
List two examples of Relationship stressors
Money, other people, my partners actions, etc..
The effect of _______ is greatly influenced by the enviornment.
True or False - If mood continues to improve the longer is abstinent, the more likely the depression was the result of drug use .
The most common medications used to control the symptoms of bipolar disorder are:
Mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants
An example of environmental factor is:
Exposure to drugs in the womb, Where you live, work, go to school, etc..Friends and social groups
Exercise, routines, eating healthy, spending time with positive people, etc..
What is one Biological Preventative Factor that could reduce the chances of engaging in substances.
No family history of SUDs or mental health problems
Fill in the blank:
Using alcohol and/or drugs can cause a person to become depressed. It is common for people to become _________ when drinking, and when withdrawing from cocaine.
Why are therapeutic approaches like Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) successful approaches for people with co-occurring disorders?
It teaches them how to regulate their emotions and avoid being overwhelmed by dramatic mood changes.
Life stressors, Relationship issues, Health are examples of:
Environmental Risk Factors
How many songs about sobriety were played this semester?
Gender, ethnicity, having a close biological relative with a disorder, High Risk personality traits
Risks the increase the risk for developing a major depressive disorder include:
Negative affectivity, ACEs, 1st Degree family members
Fill in the blank:
Clinical researchers believe that ______ _______ may influence both bipolar disorder and substance use.
What is an environmental Preventative Factor?
Having strong coping skills, treatment
Treatment for Substance Use Disorders and/or mental illness can include:
Individual and Group therapies, Support Groups, Medication
What occurs when biology and environment combines?
It may influence how we think, feel, and behave
17.3 million.
7.1% of all U.S. adults
Separating the symptoms of bipolar disorder and substance abuse can be difficult because acute intoxications and withdrawal can mimic the illness. How do we know if the symptoms are due to substance use or bipolar disorder?
if the manic or depressive symptoms persist or worsen after alcohol or drug detoxification, treatment for a mood disorder may be needed
What puts people at greater risk for developing substance use disorder or mental health difficulties?
Unhealthy or stressful enviornments
What is the connection between between Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health?
Many people who have substance use disorders (SUDs) also develop other mental illnesses, just as many people diagnosed with mental illness are also diagnosed with SUD.