This Renaissance composer was the first to notate rhythm in music.
Who was Josquin des Prez?
This musical term best describes music in which there is melody and accompaniment.
What is homophony or homophonic texture?
1150 A.D.
What is the beginning date for the "Ars Antiqua" period?
This technological advancement during the Renaissance helped to widen the circulation of musical notation.
What was the Printing Press?
Finish the phrase "if it ain't Baroque..."
What is don't fix it?
This important document was nailed to the castle door in Wittenberg; beginning the protestant reformation.
What is Martin Luther's 95 theses?
This property of sound refers to an instruments' tone color.
What is timbre or tone color?
1750 A.D.
What is the ending date for the "Baroque" period?
Created during the Medieval era, this small box is known as the most boring musical instrument ever created.
What is the Hurdy Gurdy?
This is the total number of songs featured on Apple Music as of 2024.
A) 35 million B) 80 million C) 100+ million
What is 100 million?
Other wise known as "new art," this time period in music history ushered in many new advancements in music understanding and practice.
What is Ars Nova?
The name given to describe different levels of volume used in music.
What are dynamics?
The beginning date for the Renaissance period.
What is 1450 A.D.?
The preferred musical texture of the Renaissance.
What is polyphony?
This was the name of the first song performed in outer space.
A) Happy Birthday B) Row Your Boat C) ABC Song
What is Happy Birthday?
Located in Paris France, this was the first music school open to the public.
What is the Cathedral of Notre Dame?
This was the name given to the official monophonic music permitted in sacred services during the Medieval era.
What is Gregorian Chant?
The ending date for the Ars Antiqua period.
What is 1300 A.D.?
Male singer/songwriter/poets who traveled the countryside of France during the 14th century singing songs about chivalry and victory in battles.
Who were Troubadours?
In what century did the first music streaming service begin?
A) 19th B) 20th C) 21st
What is the 19th? The first streaming service was in 1897. It was called the telharmonium.
A Renaissance composer who wrote sacred music for Mass services and helped to convince the Council of Trent to keep polyphony in church music.
Who was Giovanni Pierluigi?
This instrument is used to tune a professional orchestra.
What is the Oboe?
The beginning date for the Baroque period.
What is 1600 A.D.?
A "secular" technique used during the Renaissance which features a musical representation of specific poetic imagery
What is Word Painting?
What insects have been shown to like music?
A) Spiders B) Termites C) Beetles
What are Termites? Australian scientists have shown that termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music.