What is Miss Collee’s favourite colour
123 + 214 =
What is the first things student should do when they come into class?
Sit at their desk and wait for announcements
What does Miss Collee say 100 times a day?
Everyone listen
What is Miss Collee’s favourite sports team?
Boston Red Sox
34 x 56 =
What is expected when the teacher is talking?
Class is listening and not talking.
The response to waterfall?
Who were the class characters in Shane’s story?
Timmy and Pablo
What kind of dogs does Miss Collee have? Bonus if you know their names?
2 French bulldogs, Gertrude and Dottie.
50 x 6 =
Define a put down.
Doing something to intentionally hurt someone else.
One thing Mrs. Theal forgets to do almost everyday?
The attendance
This was the one rule for creating our narrative stories?
No violence
What school does Miss Collee go to?
Niagara University
What is the median of 12, 14, 20, 21, 23, 40, 45, 60
What is the classroom theme right now?
Let’s grow kindness
we tell this person not to say TikTok quotes 100 times a day?
How many parts has Connor made to his story?
3. Maybe more in the works.
What colour is Miss Collee’s rabbit?
Whats the mean 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 26
What is the best thing about school?
Mrs. Theal, Miss Collee & Miss B
What does Miss Collee say when asking the class for answers to questions on the board?
“Somebody other than Jayce?“
What was the main thing Miss Collee said could not be in the class story?