Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Things First
Think Win-Win
Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

What does it mean to "be proactive"?

Take responsibility for your actions and decisions


What is the main idea behind "Begin with the End in Mind"?

Set clear goals and have a vision of what you want to achieve


Which activity should be prioritized under "Put First Things First"?
A) Watching TV before studying
B) Doing your homework before playing video games
C) Spending time on social media before chores
D) Skipping practice to hang out with friends

B) Doing your homework before playing video games


Which of the following represents a "win-win" situation?
A) You and a friend both get the last spot on a team by arguing
B) Two students work together on a project and share equal credit
C) One person wins a competition while the others lose
D) A group only succeeds if one person does all the work

Two students work together on a project and share equal credit


Why is listening important in communication?
A) It allows you to win every argument
B) It helps you understand others before expressing your opinion
C) It makes you seem more authoritative
D) It wastes time in conversations

It helps you understand others before expressing your opinion


A) Complaining about your homework
B) Making a plan to study for an upcoming test
C) Blaming your teacher for your poor grades
D) Ignoring your responsibilities until the last minute

Which of the following is an example of a proactive behavior?

B) Making a plan to study for an upcoming test


What is an example of "beginning with the end in mind"? 

B) Planning your course selections based on your career aspirations


What is an example of procrastination?

Waiting until the night before a big project is due to start working on it


How can you create a win-win solution in a group project?
A) Let one person do all the work
B) Make sure everyone gets a fair share of responsibilities and credit
C) Focus only on your part and ignore the others
D) Argue until everyone agrees with your point of view

Make sure everyone gets a fair share of responsibilities and credit


What is the first step in "Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood"?
A) Explain your side of the story first
B) Listen to the other person’s point of view before speaking
C) Ignore what the other person is saying and focus on your response
D) Speak louder so the other person understands you better

Listen to the other person’s point of view before speaking


What is a key difference between a proactive person and a reactive person?

A proactive person takes responsibility, while a reactive person blames others


What is the purpose of creating a personal mission statement?

A) To impress your friends
B) To provide a clear sense of direction and values in life
C) To avoid planning for the future
D) To help you win arguments  

 B) To provide a clear sense of direction and values in life


What does "Put First Things First" mean?

Prioritizing important tasks over distractions


Which statement best represents a win-win attitude?
A) "I’ll let my teammate do all the work, as long as I get credit too."
B) "If I can’t win, then no one should win."
C) "Let’s figure out a way that both of us can succeed in this project."
D) "I have to win this argument, no matter what."

"Let’s figure out a way that both of us can succeed in this project.


Why is listening important in communication?
A) It allows you to win every argument
B) It helps you understand others before expressing your opinion
C) It makes you seem more authoritative
D) It wastes time in conversations

It helps you understand others before expressing your opinion


Which statement best reflects a proactive attitude?

A) "It’s not my fault that I didn’t get the assignment done."
B) "I didn’t get the grade I wanted, but I’ll study differently next time."
C) "There’s nothing I can do to change the situation."
D) "I’ll wait until someone else figures out the problem."

B) "I didn’t get the grade I wanted, but I’ll study differently next time."


Which of the following is a good example of "beginning with the end in mind" for a student?
A) Deciding what you’ll do over the weekend without considering homework
B) Choosing your extracurricular activities based on your future career goals
C) Going to school every day without thinking about your future
D) Watching TV every night before starting any homework

B) Choosing your extracurricular activities based on your future career goals


How can "Put First Things First" help you manage stress?

By prioritizing important tasks early, so you have more time to relax later


How does thinking win-win impact relationships?

It fosters cooperation and helps both parties feel respected and valued


What’s the first step in active listening?

Listen carefully to what the other person is saying before responding


Which of the following is NOT a proactive behavior?
A) Planning ahead for a big exam
B) Avoiding responsibility and blaming others
C) Responding calmly in a difficult situation
D) Taking action to solve a problem you are facing

B) Avoiding responsibility and blaming others


Which of these is a "long-term goal"?
A) Getting an A on a single test
B) Planning a career after high school
C) Finishing your homework by tonight
D) Choosing what to wear tomorrow

B) Planning a career after high school


What should you prioritize when using the habit "Put First Things First"?

Important tasks that help you reach your goals


What does "Think Win-Win" encourage?

Seeking solutions where everyone benefits


How can seeking to understand first help solve conflicts?

It helps both people feel heard and valued, leading to better solutions
