What was the first saint we learned about?
The first saint we learned about was Padre Pio.
How many wives did Abraham have?
Abraham had 2 wives.
What was the name of Issacs wife?
Issac wife was Rebekah
Who was born first Jacob or Esau
Esau was born first.
What was the gift Jacob gave to Jospeh?
Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors.
What were the miracles that Padre Pio caused?
Padre Pio made the miracles of saving a girl,flying in the air,dying without any blood,and randomly getting a stigmada
How did Abraham get into Egypt with his wife?
Abraham got into Egypt by telling the people of Egypt that his wife was his sister.
Who was Issac's favorite child?
Issacs favorite child was Esau
Who were Jacob's wives?
Jacobs's wives were Racheal and Leah.
Why were Josephs' brothers mean to him?
Josephs' brothers were mean to him because he was very prideful.
What does the forbidden fruit stand for?
The forbidden fruit stands for friendship with God depends on complete trust.
Why did Abraham have a child with Hagar?
Abraham had a child with Hagar because Sarai felt bad for Abraham.
Who did Issac give the birthright to?
Issac gave the birthright to Jacob because Jacob tricked Issac into giving too him because he had goat fur on his arms to confuse Issac into thinking it was Esau.
What was Jacob's dream?
Jacob's dream was a ladder and angels were climbing up and down.
What Josephs' brothers say to Jacob as an excuse for selling him to merchants.
Josephs' brothers said a wild animal ate him as an excuse to selling him as a slave.
What is the written record of God?
The written record of God is the Bible.
How old was Abraham when he had Isaac?
Abraham was 100 years old when he had Isaac.
Why did Issac favor Esau more than Jacob?
Issac favored Esau more than Jacob because he was more of an outgoing kid and because he was a hunter.
How many sons did Jacob have?
Jacob had 12 sons.
Why did Jospeh become a part of the leaders of Egypt?
Joseph became part of the leaders of Egypt because he told the pharoh what his dream ment.
Who is the snake represented as?
The snake is represented as the devil.
Why did God make Abraham try to sacrifice Isaac?
God made Abraham try to sacrifice Isaac because God was testing Abraham's faith in him.
How old was Isaac when he died?
He was 180 when he passed away/
What was the gift that Jacob gave to Esau?
Jacob gave Esau 200 female goats,20 male goats,200 female sheep, and 20 male sheep.
What problem in Egypt ocurred that Joseph solved.
Joseph solved the problem of famine for 7 years in Egypt.