The structures found on leaves that open and close to let in air.
The organelles in plants where photosynthesis takes place.
The tube-like structures that transport materials within plants.
Vascular tissue
Provides support for the plant, transports materials between the leaves and roots, and holds up leaves so they are exposed to the sun.
The process by which water is lost through a plant's leaves.
The inner layer of bark which is the only living part of a tree.
The most prominent pigment in leaves that absorbs blue and red light and reflects green.
Define Photosynthesis
The process in which carbon dioxide and water combine in the leaves of plants to produce sugar and oxygen.
What is the function of a Vacuole?
The place plant cells store substances like water, food, and wastes.
Plants that produce fruits and flowers
The hollow structure inside a flower that protects the seed as it grows.
The vascular tissue in plants that transports water and minerals from the ground upward.
What is the Photosynthesis equation?
CO2 + H2O ----------> C6H12O6 + 6O2
The vascular tissue in plants that brings sugars made in the leaves downward.
The first seed leaves that contain enough food for the seed to develop.
How many interactives did we do for this unit?
Angiosperms that have only one cotyledon.
A group of plants that does not produce fruits or flowers, uses cones to transport their seeds, and includes cycads, ginkgoes, gnetophytes, and conifers.
What happens to phloem cells inside a tree when they get old and die?
They are pushed outward and become the outer bark of the tree.
What does the outer bark do for a tree?
This outer bark protects the
living cells beneath it from being damaged by
weather, insects, animals, and organisms that
can cause disease.
What is the process by which water is lost through a plant's leaves?
The colorful leaflike structures that form when a flower develops and the sepals fold back and attract pollinators.
What happens to old and dying xylem cells?
Xylem cells are pushed inward and become the heartwood of the tree, providing support for the tree to grow.
What are two ways that flowers can be pollinated?
Wind dispersal and colorful flowers. Some plants self-pollinate and others need the help of bugs like bees to carry pollen inside the pistil.
How are seeds scattered in nature?
1. When seeds are eaten by animals and dropped off somewhere else
2. Spikes and hooks on seeds latch on to animals fur and the seed is carried away
3. Flying seeds
4. Seeds carried by the wind