What song goes "whoaaa we're halfway there..."
Livin' on a prayer
He is called "The king of pop"
Who is Michael Jackson
It is recommended that adults get how many hours of sleep per night?
8-10 hours
Name 2 healthy coping skills
Any 2
1 in _ Americans will experience a mental health diagnosis in a given year
1 in 5
What song goes "where the grass is green and the girls are pretty."
Paradise City
This artist always wore a purple suit
List 4 examples of self-care that you could engage in
Any 4
True or Fales: People with mental health diagnosis have to take a special test to get a job or buy a house.
50% of all mental illness begins by what age? 10,14,18
Just a small-town girl livin' in a lonely world
Don't stop believing
Mick Jagger is the lead singer of what band?
The Rolling Stones
What is the practice of focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state
Where or who can you go for help in a crisis situation?
Hospital, police, text hotline, supportive friend or family
What is the most common health health diagnosis?
Anxiety disorder
She's got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories
Sweet child O' Mine
What group song the song "Dream on"
What vitamin comes from the sun and helps maintain bone strength, fight diseases, and improves happiness.
Vitamin D
Name a feeling that stigma causes people with mental health disorders
What percent of people with mental health struggles won't seek help due to stigma surrounding mental health? 20% 60% or 90%
What is 60%
The regular crowd shuffles in. There's an old man sittin' next to me makin' love to his tonic and gin
Piano Man
In which country was AC/DC formed?
Being kind to yourself, having grace
What color is associated with mental health awareness
What US state has the highest reported rate of mental illness? North Carolina, West Virginia, Utah