I wrote the “Star Spangled Banner”
Francis Scott Key
I defeated Santa Anna at the Battle San Jacinto and later became president of Texas
General Sam Houston
This war resulted mainly from the kidnapping of American sailors on the high seas by the British
War of 1812
A person who does something first, preparing the way for others
The men that rushed to California in 1849 at the sound of gold
I defeated the British ast the Battle of New Orleans
General Andrew Jackson
The Trail blazed by Daniel Boone through the Cumberland Gap
Wilderness Trail
Treaty that officially ended the War of 1812
Treaty of Ghent
A flat boat with a long bottom used for carrying things
Empty, deserted towns where no one lived
Ghost towns
I was the President who purchased Florida from Spain
James Monroe
What important law guaranteed that freedoms enjoyed in the states would also be present in the territories?
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
The Spanish mission in San Antonio, Texas, where Texans and other Americans fought the Mexican army to the last man.
Men who rode regular routes preaching in areas that did not have a pastor and wherever churches were in need of revival. Preached every day
Circuit-riding preacher
Tell the Importance of the Louisiana Purchase, and the states included.
The US wanted the Louisiana Purchase so that American shops could load and trade there freely; this doubled the size of the Unites States and would provide all or part of the land for 15 new states
I am the dictator of Mexico who led Mexican forces at the Alamo
General Santa Anna
The first major man-made canal in the U.S.
Erie Canal
The place where gold was found in California in 1848
John Sutter’s ranch
These were made for a week. People would camp and live in one spot for the week to hear preaching
Camp meeting
Tell the importance of the Mexican Cession (Mexican War) and the states included in it.
The Mexican Cession happened because Mexico was claiming control of the Rio Grande river. After the war with Mexico, America paid Mexico 15 million dollars in return for California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Colorado
I am a frontiersman from Tennessee who helped the Texans fight at the Alamo
Davy Crockett
Singers from Tennessee introduced the spirituals to the northern states and to Europe
Fisk Jubilee Singers
Where did the Oregon Trail begin and how long was it?
Independence, Missouri; 2000 miles
America’s greatest contribution to the field of music
Tell the importance of the Gadsden Purchase and the states included in it.
The purpose of the Gadsden Purchase was to build a railroad through the Southwest. New Mexico and Arizona