main idea
Native Americans dried strips of meat, pounded it into a paste, and then mixed it with fat. Sometimes they added berries and sugar. Then they pressed it into small cakes. They called these cakes pemmican. Pemmican didn't spoil, and it provided lots of energy for people traveling or going hunting. Today explorers still carry and eat this food. What is this mainly about?
What is how pemmican is prepared and used
Myles turned the switch on the lamp, but it did not come on. He looked at the cord and saw that the lamp was plugged in. What happened?
What is he flipped the wrong switch, bulb was burned out.
What punctuation mark is added to a noun to make it possessive?
What is apostrophe
Choose the correct spelling. seperate sepperate separate saperate
What is separate
Which of the following transition words WOULD NOT be used to show a sequence of events? First Consequently Last Next
What is consequently
Lisa knew all of the seven dwarfs except one. She remembered Grumpy, Sleepy and Bashful. And of course she couldn't forget Doc and Dopey. Dopey was her favorite. But there was one she just could not remember. Let's see. There's also Sneezy, and that's six. But she could not remember that last one. What was his name? What is the main idea of the passage?
What is Lisa could not remember the name of one of the dwarfs
Marty changed her clothes about twenty times before her interview.
What is she was nervous
The plural of battery is batterys batterys' batteries batteryes
What is batteries
Choose the correctly spelled word. catagory catugory catagury category
What is category
The goal for this type of writing is to explain or inform
What is expository
Sometimes, a paragraph has a _______ main idea usually in the topic sentence. This means the paragraph “says” what the main idea is. -----stated ----assumed -----implied ----partial
What is stated
Glenda gave her Billy a warm hug every time her son brought him over.
What is Glenda loved her grandson.
Desert dwellers live where there's barely __________relief from high temperatures. no none any
What is any
Identify the singular form of the noun. woman women
What is woman
Which part of the paragraph should grab the reader's interest and set the tone?
What is introduction/first sentence
“The rain forest is home to many creatures. Monkeys, toucans and macaws live in the rain forest. Butterflies and anteaters also live in the rain forest.”
What is The rain forest is home to many creatures.
You're browsing the Help Wanted ads to find a job. The job must pay at least $10/hour. When scanning the job ads, what should you look at in each ad before reading the rest of the ad?
What is dollar $ amount
Betty found three _______ in the kitchen drawer. knifes knives knifies knife's
What is knives
What is the plural form of ax? axs axis axe
What is axes
Gary sometimes forgets which day it is. ________ , he once tried to go to work and wondered why there was no one in the parking lot. The reason was that it was Saturday, but he thought it was Friday. For instance In conclusion On the other hand Nevertheless
What is for instance
What question should you ask yourself to find the topic of a passage? ---What is the passage mainly about? ---Does this relate to the topic? ---What is the title of the passage? ---Who is the author of the passage?
What is What is the passage mainly about?
You're writing a research paper about a particular general during the Civil War, but the book you have on the Civil War is huge. What is the best thing to look at to quickly find what you need?
What is the index or table of contents
To put off to a later time, delay postseason postpone postdate postwar
What is postpone
Choose the correct spelling of the following word. choped chopped choppid chooped
What is chopped
Where would you look to find more information on the history of baseball? --The sports section of a newspaper --A popular news magazine --An article on how baseball first started --An autobiography (when someone writes a story about their own life) of a baseball player
What is an article on how baseball first started