Gumbo Pot
Forms of Folk Literature
Elements of Folk Literature
Analyzing Folk Literature
Cause & Effect
What is the definition of a symbol? Can you give me an example?
A person, place, or object representing something more than its literal meaning. Example: A burning candle in a dark room representing hope in a rough time.
Describe what a Folk Tale is.
Stories that deal with heroes, adventure, magic, and romance. Told to communicate shared ideas of a culture. Example: "The Stone"
What is Oral Tradition?
Passing down stories by word of mouth. Folk Literature originated from oral tradition.
How did repetition & patterns help keep folk literature alive in the past?
Repetition and patterns helped the orator (story-teller) to remember the story because they did not have written language.
What was an effect of Arachne bragging about her skills being better than Athene's?
Athene came to her to meet the challenge.
What is the definition of "Archetype"? Can you give me an example?
An element that appears regularly and has similar meaning to people of different cultural backgrounds Example: The princess in distress, going on a quest
What is a Fable?
Brief stories that share a moral and feature animal characters Example: The Ant and the Dove
What is the definition of "Universal Themes"?
Themes that provide insight and lesson about life to a wide variety of people from different backgrounds. Example: Good vs. Evil
What is a hyperbole?
An exaggeration used for comic affect. Example: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
What was the cause of Athene tearing up Arachne's weaving during the competition?
Arachne was weaving pictures that disrespected her and made Athene look bad and that made her angry.
What is the definition of "Diction"?
The author's choice of words, phrases, and sentence structure.
What is a myth?
Fictional stories of gods and goddesses and share lessons or explain something in nature. Example: Arachne
What are the three purposes of Folk Literature?
1.) To entertain, 2.) To teach a lesson, 3.) To show us about a community's cultural background and beliefs
What is dialect?
Form of language spoken by a people of a particular culture Example: Cantonese (Form of Mandarin that specific groups of Chinese speak)
What was the END effect of the dove saving the ant's life?
The ant saved the dove's life.
What is the diction in Folk Literature like? Why is it this way?
Plain, simple words so that anyone can understand.
What is a legend?
Stories that are based off real history, but some details have been changed or stretched so it is now fictional
What are stated themes?
Themes that are clearly said/written. Like morals stated at the end of fables. You don't have to figure it out. It is put out there for you.
What is irony?
Involves suprise and interesting or funny contradictions Example: A tiny dog named Giant.
What was the immediate effect of Maibon demanding the stone from Doli the dwarf?
Maibon stopped aging and so did everything around him.
What is the definition of a "culturally specific theme" and can you give me an example?
A theme (lesson/message) that only applies to a specific community or people group. Example: Good and evil spirits can affect the wellbeing of someone who has passed away. (Hispanic)
What is a legend?
Stories that are based off real history, but some details have been changed or stretched so it is now fictional Example: Johnny Appleseed, Robin Hood, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
What are implied themes?
When the theme is hinted at or suggested instead said/written outright in plain sight.
What is personification?
Type of figurative language that gives human characteristics to non-human things. Example: I heard the last piece of cookie cake calling my name!
Explain a cause and effect relationship and give me an example.
A specific event or action is the direct result of another event or action. Throwing a stone in a lake cause ripples in the water Cause: Stone thrown Effect: Ripples