Write an inequality for: there were no more than 30 people at the part
x is less than or equal to 30
What are 3 things you need to write an inequality?
number, variable, inequality sign
x > -2
What is the rule for adding and subtracting decimals?
line up decimals
How old do you have to be to legally drive by yourself in South Dakota?
There were more than 150 people at the concert
x is more than 150
Explain how to graph x>-3
open circle to the right
Write an inequality for:
x ≤ 4
How many nickels are in $7?
140 nickels
What is the biggest negative number?
The speed limit is 70mph
x less than or equal to 70
explain how to graph r< 2
open circle to the left
Write inequality for:
x ≥ -5
What are 3 steps to multiplying decimals?
1. multiply like normal.
2. count decimal spots
3. move decimal to left
If you are in school for about 155 days of the year, what percent of the year are you in school?
the least amount is 74
x is greater than or equal to 74
explain how to graph x ≤ 4
filled in circle to the left
Write inequality for:
x > -4
If you were taking a trip to Mexico and you wanted to exchange $200 for pesos and the exchange rate was $5 for 100 pesos, how many pesoos would you receive?
4,000 pesos
If you are in school for about 155 days a year, how many days do you go to school total in all your years of school?
the boiling point of water is 212 degrees
x greater than or equal to 212
explain how to graph w ≥ -1
filled in circle to the right
-2< x< 2
2 to what power equals 512?
2 to the 9th power
If you sleep 8 hours a night, how many hours do you sleep during the days you are in school total?
16,120 hours