This king of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem
Who is Nebuchadnezzar?
The Babylonian name given to Daniel
What is Belteshazzar?
Esther was raised by this relative.
Who is Mordecai?
This Jewish feast celebrates the events of Esther.
What is Purim?
The Jewish leader who led the rebuilding of the temple.
Who is Zerubbabel?
The Jews were taken captive in Babylon because they had not done this
What is repented of their sin?
Daniel refused to eat the king’s food for this reason.
What is it was unclean/sacrificed to idols?
Haman was furious with Mordecai because of this.
What is "He refused to bow to Haman"?
Esther's Hebrew name was this.
What is Hadassah?
King Cyrus issued this decree regarding the Jews.
What is "The Jews could return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple"?
This Babylonian king saw a mysterious hand writing on the wall
Who is Belshazzar?
As a reward for their faithfulness, God gave Daniel and his friends this
What is "Knowledge/wisdom/and favor"?
Esther risked this when she approached the king without being summoned.
What is being executed/killed?
Before Esther approached the king, she asked the Jews to do this for three days.
What is "fast"
Ezra returned to Jerusalem for this purpose
What is "To teach and restore the Law of Moses"?
The phrase written on the wall by the mysterious hand.
The number of people Nebuchadnezzar saw in the fiery furnace.
What is four?
The key turning point of the book of Esther.
What is when king Xerxes could not sleep?
Esther was married to this Persian king.
Who is King Ahasuerus (Xerxes)?
The biggest sin Ezra needed to confront among the returning exiles.
What is "The people’s intermarriage with foreign nations"?
Both Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar's lives teach this lesson about this.
What is pride?
The reason Shadrach Meshach and Abenego were cast into the fiery furnace.
What is they would not worship Nebuchadnezzar's idol?
The ironic way Haman was punished.
What is He was killed on his own gallows?
This word summarizes the entire book of Esther.
What is providence?
The way Nehemiah responded to the broken walls of Jerusalem.
What is "He prayed, fasted, and sought permission from the king to help rebuild"?