Our Moon & Seasons
A Timeline Through Space
Famous Faces
Our Sun & Life Cycle of Stars
Everything that exists...
What is the Universe?
What degrees in high tide?
What is 180 degrees?
What theory took place over 15 billion years ago that created the Universe as we know it?
What is the Big Bang Theory
Who has been given the title as "The Father of Astronomy due to his use of the telescope?" During his life he was put on house arrest because he believed and tried to prove the heliocentric theory was a better model of the universe than the geocentric model (the sun in the center of the universe)
Who is Galileo Galilei?
The approximate age of our sun
What is 4.6 Billion Years Old?
A natural satellite that orbits a planet.
What is a moon?
What do we call the day when the Earths rotational axis is facing 90 degrees? What are the two months when this takes place in the northern hemisphere?
What is fall & spring Equinox? What is Sept 20th/21st and March 20/21st?
The most massive star in the universe. 35 times more massive than our sun. The star with a very small mass. They burn up their energy slowly and live for billions of years
What is the Blue Giant? What is a red/brown dwarf?
He was a German mathematician and Astronomer that formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the earth in the center of the universe.
Who is Nicolaus Copernicus?
Name the six layers of the sun beginning with the center are:
What are the core, radiation zone, convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, and corona?
The fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse. Call __________ The space of partial illumination (as in an eclipse) between the perfect shadow on all sides and the full. Call _________
What is Umbra? What is a Penumbra?
More of the moons near side is lit up after the first quarter and before the full moon creating a larger section in the belly of the letter b.
What is waxing gibbous?
Scientist believe this event caused indentations on the earth, moon and other planets in the solar system about 4 billion years ago.
What are meteoroids?
He was an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist. He studied Energy and the light he could see, but his best known discovery was gravity. He died in 1727.
Who is Isaac Newton?
This layer of the sun keeps energy constantly moving to the surface by the rise and fall of bubbling gases.
What is the convection zone?
What do you call it when both day and night are equal in hours?
What is the March & September Equinox?
What are 4 theories of how the moon was formed?
1. It just formed along with the earth. 2. It was once a part of the earth and broke off. 3. It might have been floating in the earth's atmosphere and got captured by the earth's gravity. 4. It might have been a rogue planet about the size of mars that smashed into the earth creating a cloud of molten rock that eventually condensed into the moon.
A gigantic explosion caused by the collapse of a large, very massive star..
What is a supernova?
He was a Danish nobleman known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations. He died in 1601.
Who is Tycho Brahe?
What layer of the sun is contains flares, prominences, and spires?
What is the chromosphere?
The outer most layer of the sun (the Corona) is only visible during this phenomenon. .
What is the solar eclipse?
What degrees is the Earth tilted during summer Solstice and what day of the year does summer solstice land on?
1. 66.5 degrees 2. June 20th/21st
A gigantic system of stars, gas, dust and planets held together by gravity. How long ago according to the big bang theory were these formed?
What is a galaxy. 6 to 14 billion years ago?
He lived around 100 AD and was a Greek writer, known as a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer, and poet. He presented a geocentric model that placed the Earth as the center of the universe.
Who was Claudius Ptolemy?
A massive, collapsed star that has such an enormous gravity that nothing- not even light can escape it? *** Double Jeopardy Question and/or EC on the quia Draw and label the life cycle of a star that is like our sun:).
What is a black hole? * See notes:)