What does the top number of the time signature 3/4 mean?
3 beats per measure
This is a the name of the tempo that means play "fast"
This symbol "b" lowers a note's pitch by a half step
What instrument uses a "double reed"
Oboe or Bassoon
What is the National Anthem of the USA called?
What does the bottom number of the time signature 4/4 mean?
Quarter note is what gets the beat
What is the dynamic for play soft/quiet?
What does the symbol for a sharp sign look like?
hashtag or pound sign
What is the job of the conductor?
To show the beat and keep everyone together.
Which song uses the slap stick?
Sleigh Ride
How many beats is a whole note worth?
What is the musical word for loud?
This is the name for the symbol with sharp or flat signs at the beginning of each staff.
Key Signature
What do you call a person who writes music?
What was line A, B, or C called in Jingle Bells?
A - melody
B - harmony
C - bass
A whole note tied to a dotted half note is how many beats long?
What does crescendo mean?
Gradually start playing louder
This is the 2 numbers at the beginning of a staff.
Time Signature
Which instrument is considered the oldest known instrument?
Name a composer
Examples: Mozart, Beethoven, John Williams
What does a dot do to a note?
Adds half the value of the note.
This means to repeat back to the repeat sign and take the 2nd ending to the end
1st/2nd Endings
What are the > symbols that mean to emphasize the note?
What is the name of the tuba they use in marching band?
What is our Nation's March?
Stars and Stripes Forever