Author's Purpose
Author's POV
Vocabulary 1
Figurative Language
ELA Reading Skills

A book about a girl who goes to a different universe and find her inner peace, is trying to do this.

What is to Entertain

An example is " I walked for a long time, never seeing home, only the road ahead." 

What is first person?

Which word matches this definition? The quality or feeling of being thankful a.) gratitude b.) marvelous c.) exceptional
a.) gratitude
Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. The flower was soft as silk. a.) simile b.) personification c.) hyperbole
In order to find the main idea of a passage, you first must look here. (Name all three to pass, four to gain an extra 100 points.)
What is the first sentence, last sentence, and title. *BONUS: ____________________

Words like "best," "should," "think," "believe" and "feel" are clues that the author is trying to do this

What is to persuade


the POV in "In all this time, he never got what he wanted. James was destined to always be disappointed."

What is 3rd person
Which word matches this definition? An area surrounded mostly by homes a.) residential b.) resemble c.) accustomed
a.) residential
Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. The clouds rolled in ominously. The sky looked angry. a.) metaphor b.) personification c.) hyperbole
b.) personification
What two things do you need to make an inference?
What is background knowledge and information from the text?

An Author's purpose that uses facts and details about a subject

What is to Inform?


The pov in " What was Maya supposed to do? She never was the fastest, but now she had to race the hardest ever." 

What is Third person?

Which word matches this definition? To consume destructively a.) crevices b.) devour c.) adaptation
b.) devour
The salsa was so hot, my tongue began to melt. a.) simile b.) onomatopeia c.) hyperbole
c.) hyperbole
Using context clues and word parts to help you, what part of speech is the following word: ominous The blackened sky appeared ominous and we all ran inside for cover.
Ominous is an adjective. Ominous is describing the sky, a noun, which makes this describing word an adjective.

The Author's purpose in this passage "Run to your nearest toy store and buy the Lazy Crazy Scooter today! Give your tired feet a rest as you zip through town in style on this motorized scooter. It's the best, craziest scooter around!" 

what is to persuade


This is a POV that uses "you"

What is second person?
Which word matches this definition? Usual, by habit a.) resemble b.) gyre c.) accustomed
c. ) accustomed
"Oh no....AH-CHOO! Sniffle, I need a tissue please." a.) onomatopoeia b.) idiom c.) personification
a.) onomatopoeia
What does it mean to "visualize" while you read? How can this help you understand a story?
Visualizing means to make a picture in your head. This helps to understand and remember a story because with focus, you can recall more details about a story that will carry on throughout the page, chapter, or book.

The purpose of the passage "Painol is the best new medicine to make headaches go away. Headaches can be caused by changes in chemicals and nerves in your head. This sends a message to your brain that causes you to feel pain. Painol blocks these messages, which helps the pain go away. If you want to squash your headaches, ask your doctor about Painol today."

What is to Persuade and Inform?


The pov in " You walk through the valley patiently waiting the eventual beast that you were sent here to catch."

WHat is second person?

Which word matches this definition? To move along heavily or clumsily a.) whiffling b.) galumphing c.) gyre
b.) galumphing
Read the sentence. Tell what figurative language is found here. "Could you please put a sock in it? I'm trying to focus!" a.) idiom b.) metaphor c.) hyperbole
a.) idiom
I picked up a woozle and turned it around. It was slippery, wiggly, and goopidy goopy. What part of speech is a "woozle"? How do you know?
Woozle is a nonsense word used as a NOUN. Nouns have an article (a, an, the) before it and the sentence states that it can be touched and manipulated. For these reasons, I know it's a noun.