Reading Strategies / Novel Rounds
Mrs. Cifuentes...
Plot - Narrative Essay
Figurative Language
Explain two post-it symbols and how they are used.
Various answers apply.
His Roman name is Jupiter.
Who is Zeus?
Mrs. Cifuentes has______ children.
What is two boys?
The highest point of interest, the place where ideas are drawn together, an important turning point in a series of actions, or the most forceful event in a story.
What is climax?
When you compare to unlike things using the words like or as. When you give an inanimate object human characteristics?
What is simile? What is personification?
A question that is open ended, asks for your opinion, puts the question into context and requires evidence is....
What is a Level 3 Question?
Her Roman name is Minerva.
Who is Athena?
Mrs. Cifuentes had a previous job where?
What is NBC / Advertising?
Concludes the action and ensures that all important plot lines have been tied.
What is resolution?
“He heard something crackle when his tennis shoe hit the windowpane, but he couldn’t worry about it (Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library 4) This is an example of....
What is onomatopoeia?
There are 8 multiple choice questions, explain at least 4 of them.
1. Read ALL questions first. 2. Re-read pages CAREFULLY. 3. Re-read the questions. 4. Answer the question in your head first (cover up the answers!) 5.Use the “Process of Elimination” strategy (try narrowing the choices down to 2 choices). 6. Don’t know it - skip it for now (Remember to answer it later!). 7. Review and re-read. 8. Never leave a blank!
She was the goddess of all growing things.
Who is Demeter?
2 Truths and a Lie: Mrs. Cifuentes has been skydiving. Mrs. Cifuentes has danced latin salsa on a team in NYC. Mrs. Cifuentes has taught 11th grade.
What is Mrs. Cifuentes has taught 11th grade?
The beginning of the story, where the characters and setting are introduced.
What is exposition?
“The sound seemed to be all around us. It screamed its way into the cave and rang like a blacksmith’s anvil against the rock walls.” (Where the Red Fern Grows, p. 45) This is an example of....
What is a simile?
What is the difference between a tall tale and a fable?
1. Tall Tales – A combination of fact and exaggerated fiction in an entertaining tale. 2. Fables – Short story that has a moral ending about life (teaches a lesson) with animals as main characters.
In Greek Mythology Gold symbolizes.... In Greek Mythology Water symbolizes...
What is Greed? What is Rebirth/New Beginning?
Mrs. Cifuentes went to .......... University.
What is Rutgers?
Events in a story that build up the conflict.
What are rising action events?
“She was bendable light: she shone around every corner of my day.” (Stargirl, p. 53) This is an example of of.... Because....
What is a metaphor? Because is is comparing the girl to a light in order to explain how she shone brightly for others.
Explain these strategies: 1. Marking the text 2. A Context Clues Strategy 3. Inference Sandwich 4. Connections
1. A strategy in which one reads the text first to enjoy, second to mark up using reading strategy symbols where they identify important words/sections, theme, character traits and such and write summary and inferences on either side. 2. Up Above and Around the Word is when you use the sentences above, around and after the word that you do not know in order to predict its meaning. 3. A inference sandwich is when you combine what is in the text with your own knowledge to create new knowledge to understand. 4. When we make a text to text, text to self or text to world connection we are trying to relate to the text/novel.
There are 8 different characteristics of myths. Name 6 of them.
1. Time is in the ancient past 2. Place is the geographic region from which the myth originated 3. Characters are gods OR gods and humans 4. Gods have supernatural power but are very human in form and in behavior 5.Gods personify virtues and forces (ex. love, family, wisdom, war, etc) 6. Problem/Conflict (between gods OR gods and humans) 7. Resolution of the problem often involves the creation of some sort of natural phenomenon 8. Stories are told as though they were true (they were a belief system)
Mrs. Cifuentes favorite genre is..... Mrs. Cifuentes loves to drink.... One of Mrs. Cifuentes favorite book is...
What is Realistic Fiction? What is tea? What is Stargirl/The Fault in Our Stars/ Rules of Survival?
1. Events that lead up to the resolution of a story. 2. We used the lightbulb to..... because.... 3. Effective ways to describe a character are...
1. What are falling action events? 2. To track the central idea because it develops throughout the story (it is not just at the end) 3. Through their thoughts, dialogue, actions, interactions with other characters..
1. “He gently touched a wild tendril that reached into the row, as if it had been waiting to shake hands.” -(Esperanza Rising) 2. “She laughed, and the desert sang.” (Stargirl p. 52) 3. “Three hundred pairs of eyes followed her.” (Stargirl, p. 28) These are examples of .... Because.... (Each one MUST be explained in order to receive points)
1. What is personification? The tendril is not human but by saying that it reached into the row, it is acting human to show how it is hanging below by their hands. 2. What is personification? The desert can not sing, but by stating this, we are giving the desert human characterisitics to show how much it enjoyed her presence. 3. What is hyperbole? 300 eyes didn't really follow her, but by exaggerating, the author is showing how everyone in the room was looking at her.