I have an intrusive thought and want to yell it out. What do I do?
What is, do not let them take over?
I just finished independent math work, what do I do next?
What is, check my answers the spreadsheet?
Mr. Hyun told us what materials to get out, what should I do and how long should it take me?
What is, get out my materials and quiet down? What is, 1 minute?
What sport did Mr. Hyun play in college?
What is golf?
As I enter or exit the classroom, what should my behavior look like?
What is enter and exit quietly and calmly?
It is independent reading time. What should I be doing?
What is, reading?
The area around my desk is a mess, what do I do?
What is, clean it up?
Mr. Hyun is teaching, and I have an off related comment or question, what do I do?
What is, not say it? Tell Mr. Hyun at a later time.
What is Mr. Hyun's girlfriend name?
What is Kayla?
A classmate is constantly talking and I (the student) have asked them to stop multiple times. What do I NOT do next?
What is, yell at them and insult them to stop talking?
Mr. Hyun finished giving instructions, what should I do next?
What is, get started with whatever task he gave us (probably within 3 minutes)
At the end of the day, my desk has a book, extra papers, pencil case, headphones, chromebook, and other stuff. What should I do?
Mr. Hyun is teaching us something, what should I be doing?
What is, I should be listening and writing down anything important?
When is Mr. Hyun's Birthday?
What is July 9th?
Our class did not receive 2 5's in science lab. What happens next?
What is, lose extra recess on Fridays?
I keep working with people and get nothing done. What do I do?
What is, pick a different group next time?
Clean it up and if Mr. Hyun does a desk check and my desk is messy 2 times, I will miss fun friday.
It is math and Mr. Hyun says "try this on your own." What should I NOT do?
What is Assam milk tea?
Mr. Hyun has asked me to stop yelling or talking 3 or more times in a span of 5 minutes. What is the appropriate consequence?
What is being sent outside, losing fun friday, losing the ability to listen to music or moving around the classroom
What is, making sure we are on task, keeping an appropriate noise level, or controlling our bodies like middle schoolers?
I am returning a book from the classroom library, what do I do next?
Mr. Hyun is teaching and I need to go to the bathroom. What should I do?
What is, wait for him to be done so I don't miss anything important? Unless I am about to pee my pants or its an emergency, then please...go.
What is Mr. Hyun's Chick-fil-a order?
What is a spicy chicken deluxe sandwich with no pickles or tomatoes?