Classroom Routines
Skills for Success

When is an appropriate time to use the bathroom?

When you first get to class, when you finish all your work, at lunch or recess.


When should you get your planner signed?

Every night


Those seats in the corner look tempting! Should I sit on them?

No. You will be given the opportunity to sit there, if earned. We will talk about this more during writing class tomorrow.


Can I use the teacher's supplies if I run out?

Unfortunately, no. 6th graders need to be prepared for class! If you do not have a certain item (pencil, glue, etc). You can either borrow from a friend, or use an "I notice" slip to BORROW a supply from the teacher. The teacher will give you the "I notice" slip back when/if you return the item.


A warning is a consequence given to a student. What might happen if a student receives two warnings?

The student may lost time off a fun event (Fun Friday, recess)

If I don't finish something in class, is it homework.

Yes, unless stated otherwise by a teacher. 


When I first arrive to the classroom, what should I do with my backpack?

You will unpack everything from it, and hang it up on a hook in the closet. You can hang your coat on a hanger, and place your lunch box neatly on the top. You will be taking all of your stuff with you when you switch, a backpack is not needed until you pack up at the end of the day.


Can I go back to another class to get something I forgot?

I would try not to do this. You will have to work without the material. Talk to the teacher if this is a special circumstance. 


What is one way a student can receive an “I Notice” Slip?

Going above and beyond (ex: Completing your weekly writing work, Being extra helpful to a teacher, Going out of your way to be helpful to a peer, Showcasing kindness in a special way, Getting your planner signed consistently.)


What can I do if I forget my work at home?

Turn it in the next day! You can buy "day late passes" too.


When is it appropriate to sharpen my pencil?

During independent work, or during study hall. Please do not sharpen a pencil while I am teaching. 


What is an important skill that helps all 6th graders?

Organization! Staying organized helps students to feel less stressed, to focus better, to not lose items, and it saves time!


Scenario: The teacher notices that Henry is not completing his work and is just talking to his friend, instead. When questioned, Henry responds by saying "I am doing my work!" Was Henry's behavior considered appropriate? Why or why not?

No, Henry should have been doing his work in the first place. But, he also did not answer the teacher in a respectful fashion. Respect is so important for a successful school year!


Scenario: Makayla has a hard time completing the writing work in class and she struggles to get it done at home. She doesn't want to receive a warning, so she rushes through the work and writes random sentences. What should Makayla do instead?

Ask the teacher for help in class. Maybe then, Makayla will understand what to do and have an easier time completing the work. She should not just guess! 


Scenario: During a fire drill, Mary purposely stands next to her friend so she can whisper to her while they are waiting to reenter the building. Mary is whispering quietly, is she doing anything wrong?

Mary should not be talking during a fire drill. It is very important to remain quiet during the drill, so that the students and teachers know what to do, just in case more directions are given. 


Scenario: The teacher places the class in pairs and Josh is placed with another student who he doesn't like very much. So, Josh refuses to talk to him and sits quietly with his arms crossed, instead. What skill is Josh not practicing, when he refuses to talk to his peer?

Active listening, teamwork, respect, friendliness. It is not appropriate for Josh to just ignore his peer. You do not have to be friends with everyone, but it is important to respect everyone.
