Body Systems Review
Arrowhead & Murphy Trivia
Puberty 101
Nervous System
Life Skills

How long is the small intestine? 

The small intestine is between 20-22 feet long.


How many white columns does the front of Arrowhead Elementary school have?

4 columns 

4 columns 


What are the name of the glands in the female that make ovum/eggs and the hormone estrogen? 

The ovaries 


How many pounds does an adult's brain weigh? 

The brain weighs 3 pounds


In the movie Inside Out, Riley was understandably upset about her cross country move. 

But why did her sadness turn into depression? Why did her "islands" crumble? What was she doing or not doing that hurt her mental health? 

Riley was holding her emotions in. She wasn't telling anyone how she felt. She was pretending she was fine to her parents and never told them (or anyone) how sad she was. 

Life Lesson- Don't hold your emotions in. Tell someone when you are struggling. 


How long is the large intestine? 

The large intestine is between 5-7 feet long. 


What is the name of the Arrowhead mascot? 

Draw him.

Cares the Bear


What are the name of the glands in the male that make sperm and testosterone? 

The Testicles. 


What does CNS stand for? 

Central Nervous System


Drinking empty calories is one of the easiest fixes you can make to improve your nutrition. List 3 sources of high calorie/high sugar drinks that should be limited/avoided for a healthy diet. 

Soda, Sports Drinks, Juice, Slurpee, Frappachino, Sweetened Iced Tea  


How many chambers does the human heart have? 

Our heart has 4 chambers. 


What time does the first period bell ring at Murphy Junior High School? 

School starts at 7:40

School ends at 2:25


Why do some kids going through puberty experience voice "cracking"? What is happening? 

Voices "crack" because the body is getting used to the changing size of the larynx. 


Which side of your brain controls your right arm? 

The LEFT side of your brain. 


When trying to understand a friend is it more important and effective to increase your talking? Or increase your listening? 

Listen more and talk less if you want to understand someone better. 


What is the name of (and where is) the name of the smallest bones in the body? 

Ossicles (inside of the ear) 


How many different clubs are there for you to join in 7th grade? 

There are 32 clubs at Murphy 

including clubs for music, theater, community service, science, crafts, art, etc. 


Body Odor is caused by a combination of which 3 things happening together? 

Hormones, Oil, Sweat & Bacteria 


Where is your spinal cord? (draw it) 


How many hours of sleep are recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for children ages 6 to 12? 

Children 6 to 12 years of age should sleep 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours on a regular basis to promote optimal health.


What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enters the blood? 



What is the full name of Murphy? 

Robert Cushman Murphy Junior High School


What are the average age ranges for puberty?

GIRLS- (earliest beginning age & latest end age) 
BOYS- (earliest beginning age & latest end age) 


GIRLS- 8-16
BOYS- 9-17


What is the difference between MOTOR and SENSORY nerves?

MOTOR nerves allow the brain to control our muscles. The brain sends signals  to tell our muscles to expand or contract so we can move. Signals travel from the brain to the muscle

SENSORY nerves -  carry signals to the brain to tell it about what is going on in the outside world. They come from our skin (touch), eyes (sight), tongue (taste), nose (smell), and ears (hear). Signals travel from the senses to the brain.


Draw and label the My Plate nutrition diagram.  

*Hint- It tells you how much of the 5 food groups you need to eat in a day for a healthy and balanced diet. 
