What You Wear
Lets Get Clean
I Hate the Dentist
All About Hygiene
6th Graders Say What

True or False 

Your favorite sweatshirt should only be washed when it is visibly dirty or stained. 

What is False. 

 Your favorite sweatshirt/Jacket should be washed after 1 to 3 times of wearing it.  If it does get dirty or stained it should be washed before wearing it again. 


The best way for 6th graders to shower is to not use shampoo or body wash.  (No one would know)

What is False.  

While we all enjoy a nice warm shower- if you do not use soap and shampoo the dirt, sweat, grime, dead skin, and bacteria will not go away.  If you do not want to stink you have to use soap and shampoo every time!


This is where you go to have your teeth cleaned and checked.

What is the dentist

You should be going to the dentist every 6 months for routine care and as needed for any issues. 


This should be done for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. It should be done before and after eating, after using the restroom, after touching "high touch" surfaces, if hands are visibly dirty, etc.

What is washing hands


This is the largest INTERNAL organ in the human body

Bonus if you can name the bodies largest organ in general. 

What is the liver



Turning your underwear inside out and wearing them again for a second day, is a great way to help reduce the amount of laundry you have to do at home. 

What is false. 

Clothes that cover warm and sweaty areas need to be changed daily. (Underwear, Undershirts/Bras, Socks) 


These cause your scalp to be smelly and oily. 

(Something in your body, not something you put in your hair)

What are sweat glands 

Sweat glands are in your scalp, you have dead skin on your scalp, and because you are getting older you have more oily skin.  All this mixed together will make your hair look greasy and smell bad.  


This is when and how long you should be brushing your teeth. 

What is:

Minimum in the morning and before bed

Also ok after eating, drinking sugary drinks, if your teeth feel like they are wearing a sweater. 

2 minutes each time


These can be white, red, black, and are most likely painful and should not be picked or popped.

What is acne

Acne is caused by an increased oil production in your skin due to the increase in your hormones during puberty. When you do not wash your face/body the dirt and grime plugs your pores and that combined with the increased oil causes pimples. 


The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of this.

What is Cow Dung.


What is the best way to prevent smelly feet and toe fungus?

By wearing socks with shoes and washing your feet with soap and water in the shower. 

Bacteria mixed with your dead skin cells and sweat can cause foot odor and possibly lead to skin/toe infections.  Wearing socks keeps the dead skin and sweat (most of it) in the sock not in the shoe. 


These are the steps you take to shower the right way. (Yes there is a right and wrong way to shower)

There are 6 steps

1) Turn on the warm water

2) Get wet

3) Get soap and start from the top and work your way down.  (Think about it, if you use the washcloth on your bum and then your face you are not really getting clean)

4) Rinse

5) Dry off with a towel. This is more important than you think.  If you leave warm moist areas wet and then get dressed bacteria will grow and mix with your sweat and you will stink.

6) If showering at night you are done, if showering in the morning PUT ON DEODORANT :)


This should be done at least once a day, but more is even better.

What is flossing.  

If you only floss once do it before bed.  

If you don't floss at all you will get cavities that will likely lead to root canals which are painful and expensive.


These can all increase your risk of having acne.

(5 possible answers)

What are:

1) Not washing your face with soap

2) Touching or rubbing your face

3) Excessive sweating

4) Excessive cosmetics

5) Genetics


This is how many adult teeth humans have.

What is 32


The sheets on your bed should be washed how often to prevent bad smelling 6th graders?

What is every 1-2 weeks.

Just like clothes, you sweat on them, your dead skin gets all over them, bacteria grows in them.  It's not practical to wash sheets daily so taking a shower and getting into them when you are clean is key.  


Antiperspirant is used for this while deodorant does this. 

Antiperspirant- Temporarily blocks sweat glands from producing sweat.

Deodorant- Control odor

Combination products do both. 

They come in sticks, gels, sprays, roll on, and creams. 

Please do not spray it in the hallways at school.  


This is were you find plaque, bacteria, and old food. 

These things  can cause you to have..... (2-3 possible answers)

What is on your teeth/gums and bad breath, tooth decay, and death. 

(Research has also found that bacteria and inflammation in your mouth are linked to other problems, including heart attack and dementia, and may jeopardize your overall health)


There is a correct way to cough/sneeze. 

What is in your elbow- Must demonstrate


This is what the ancient Romans used as mouthwash.

What is Urine


If you don't have what you need at home to keep your clothes clean you can talk to these people. 

Three answers

Who is the school nurse, your teacher, Mrs. Hooper.


You should apply deodorant at this time.

What is...

1) After showering in the morning

2) In the morning, if you showered at night

3) Before you play sports/when you know you will be sweaty.


This is what you should do if you notice another 6th grader has food in their teeth.

What is-kindly tell them and if you have floss share it. 

If you are between the ages of 11-13 this is how many hours of sleep you need every day. 

What is 8-10 hours. 

Lack of sleep can lead to depression, moodiness, aggression, poor academic performance, and impair your ability to make good decisions. 

How much water you should drink everyday.
What is your body weight divided by 2.

You weigh 120 lbs you need 60 ounces of water.  

While exercising you need to drink an additional 4-8 ounces every 15-20 minutes. 
