Is this sentence complete or a fragment?
"Running through the park on a sunny day."
→ Fragment (it’s missing a subject or a complete thought!)
Add: 1/2 + 1/4
What is the amplitude of a sound wave?
Amplitude refers to the height of the wave, which determines the volume (louder sound = higher amplitude).
There, their or they're?
______ dog loves to play in the yard.
What is the most-watched sport in the world?
Fix this run-on sentence:
"She loves to read she has so many books."
→ (Possible answer: "She loves to read. She has so many books." OR "She loves to read because she has so many books.")
Subtract: 3.75−1.9
What does frequency measure in sound waves?
Frequency measures the number of waves that pass a point per second. It determines the pitch of the sound (higher frequency = higher pitch).
There, their or they're?
Karma is a new restaurant downtown. Have you been _____ yet?
What is the longest river in the U.S.?
Missouri River
Which sentence is a fragment, and how would you fix it?
A) "Because we went to the store and bought snacks."
B) "We went to the store and bought snacks."
→ A is a fragment because it starts with "Because" but doesn’t finish the thought. Fix: "Because we went to the store, we bought snacks."
Multiply: 2/3 X 5/6
What is the relationship between the wavelength and frequency of a sound wave?
As frequency increases, wavelength decreases (and vice versa).
To or too?
I want to come ________, if that's okay!
What is the closest planet to the Sun?
Rewrite this run-on sentence correctly:
"The test was hard I studied a lot but I still struggled with some questions."
→ (Possible fixes: "The test was hard, but I studied a lot. I still struggled with some questions." OR "The test was hard; I studied a lot, but I still struggled with some questions.")
Divide: 4.8 / 0.2
What happens to the pitch of a sound when the frequency increases?
The pitch gets higher.
Then or than?
We will eat dinner, ______ go to the movie.
How many sides does a hexagon have?
Identify the error and correct the sentence:
"After the movie ended. We went out for ice cream, we were so full but we still ate it all."
→ Error: "After the movie ended." is a fragment, and "We went out for ice cream, we were so full but we still ate it all." is a run-on sentence.
Solve the word problem:
7/12 X 3/7
If you hear a sound that is louder, what part of the sound wave is larger?
The amplitude.
Accept or Except?
I will _____ your invitation to the party.
What is the largest planet in our solar system?