what is 21?
How many legs does a spider have?
what is "8"?
3 + 4 / 2
What day of the year is Independence Day?
what is"July 4th"?
What sport is played by the Giants, Bears and Vikings?
what is football?
A red hair girl on Dr. Phill famously said?
what is "Catch me outside how bout that"?
Which animal is the tallest in the world?
what is "A Giraffe" ?
56 / (7 + 1)
How many continents are there in the world?
what is "7"?
You can hit this many strikes at bat in baseball
What is "3"
He sips Tea
who is kermit?
whose face is on a dime?
what is "President Franklin D. Roosevelt"
3 + 4 x 5
In which capital city of Europe would you find the Eiffel Tower?
what is "Paris"?
A volleyball team has how many players on the court at one time
what is "6"
This meme TaLks lIKe tHIs and aCTS lIkE A cHIcKeN!
what is sponge bob squarepants
On a standard traffic light, where is the green light located?
What is "the bottom"?
What does PEMDAS stand for?
parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction
Can you name the closest star to Earth?
what is "The Sun"
In American Football, a touchdown is worth how many points?
what is "6"?
The man who famously sprinkled salt on a steak
who is "salt bae"?
What are all the names of the Success Mentors?
what is "Ms. Tanya, Ms. Vonray, Ms. Keishla, Ms.Jasmine, Ms.Samantha, Ms. Leo, Ms.Kiana, Mr. Anthony & Ms. Imani"?
7 + (2 x 4) - 1
Two of the planets in our solar system begin with the letter M, can you name them?
what is "Mars & Mercury "?
Which NBA team has 17 NBA Championships
what is "The Boston Celtics"