What month is Alene’s Birthday in?
When is December?
Joseph is the middle name of this person who joined All Saints in 3rd Grade.
Who is Arthur?
He has black hair, is 12, and does not have blonde hair.
Who is Forest?
His pets are named Hunter and Max.
Who is Cameron?
Who Likes Cheese?
Who is James?
Her birthday January 14th?
Who is Ava?
Nicholas is the middle name of who?
Who is Chase?
She has 6 pets in total, Loves to daydream, and does not plays Fortnite.
Who is Nina?
How many dogs do Lila have?
What is 1 (Oreo)?
A random fact about this boy is that he likes to draw. (HINT: He is remote this week)
Who is Ethan?
What Chinese zodiac sign does Ethan’s Birthday represent?
What is The Rat?
What is Sanvi’s Middle Name?
What is she doesn’t have one?
Find Shane’s Lie: He has lived in Hoboken, has had two dogs in his lifetime, and least favorite color is pink.
What is his favorite color is pink?
Who has a cat named Kira?
Who is Lorenzo?
Ava loves what triangular food?
What is Pizza?
When is Alex’s Birthday?
When is June 15?
Suzannah is the middle name of who?
Who is Beta?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! She does competitive swimming, does martial arts, and favorite animal is not a hedgehog
Who is Araceli?
What famous singer are Nina-Marie’s two cats named after?
Who was Frank Sinatra (Albert and Francis)?
Who likes Oysters?
Who is Emory?
September 15th is the Birthday of who?
Who is Luke?
His middle name is Michael. (Hint: He is at school today)
Who is Harry?
Find Delia’s Lie: She has a dog, her uncle got his tooth pumped in third grade, and she was born in New York.
What is she was born in New York?
How many pets do Beta have and what are their names?
What is 2 and Who are Millie and Uma?
Addie likes to play what game?
What is soccer?