This specific counselor works with students whose last names are H-N.
Who is Mr. Jonas
This person helps you with your personal needs like school supplies and food.
Who is Mr. Ty
This is one reason why a counselor would have to break confidentiality.
What is if you are a harm to yourself, others, or someone is causing you harm (answering one of these is correct).
This short-term counseling is virtual only.
What is Hazel Health
These staff members help you choose your classes.
Who are counselors
The location where you find the offices of the counselors.
Where is the PE Hallway
This is your counselor if your last name is O-Z.
Who is Ms. Brenia
This provider does short-term and long-term counseling.
What is Renton Referral Hub
She is the 6th grade administrator.
Who is Ms. Lamb
This person helps to resolve most conflicts inside and outside of the classroom.
Who is Ms. Isabell
This is the type of counseling your counselors can provide to you.
What is short-term counseling
This counseling provider doesn’t take private insurance.
What is Renton Referral Hub.
He is your Dean of Students at Nelsen.
Who is Dr. B or Dr. Benjamin
This person is the administrator over the 8th grade.
Who is Ms. Fields
These are the names of all your school counselors.
Who are Ms. Smith, Mr. Jonas, and Ms. Brenia
This provider gives you 6 counseling sessions each school year.
What is Hazel Health
This staff member is the principal of Nelsen MS.
Who is Dr. Rencher
These are the names of our AACs at Nelsen.
Who are Ms. Christina and Coach AP
Grande is the name of this counselor’s pet.
Who is Ms. Smith
These are the names of both counseling providers talked about in this presentation.
What is Hazel Health & Renton Referral Hub