Point of View
Figurative Language
Literary Text Structure
A person, animal, or other creature in a story.
What is Character
The story is told be one of the characters in the story. I looked up and down the aisle at all the packages of rice. Mon will never believe me when I tell her that they are out of her favorite brand.
What is First person.
Those hats are a dime a dozen.
What is idiom
A long story written in sentences and paragraphs.
What is a book.
Includes many elements that could not happen in real life and occur in places that may not exist.
What is fantsy.
Qualities, that tell the reader what kind of person they are. A character may be honest, hardworking, shy or mischievous. For example, a shy character my have to act bravely in order to solve the problem.
What is Character traits.
The narrator tells the story using pronouns such as they, he, or she. The narrator knows everything about the story, including thoughts and feelings. Aaron stared at Evan, wondering why he was being so mean. Evan couldn't believe that Aaron couldn't understand his side of the story.
What is Third Person Omniscient.
Jeannie is a fountain of knowledge.
What is metaphor.
A division of a book into logical parts. ______ can be numbered andhave names to tell what they are about. _____ may have a different setting jor purpose within the text of the book.
What is chapters.
A plot in which a puzzle, riddle, or crime must be solved.
What is mystery.
A problem in the story that needs to be solved. It is introduced in the beginning of the story. Examples are person versus another person; some involve a character versus himself or herself; and some involvle a character versus nature.
What is conflict.
This point of view is rarely used in stories but is often in poetry. This point of view uses the pronoun you. Your trade as with sticks and clay, You thumbed, thrust, patted, and polished, Then laughed "They will see some day, Smith made and Gibson demolished."
What is Second Person point of view.
The chair felt sad and lonely when Uncle Joe was not sitting in it.
What is personification.
Literature written in lines with creative language and often includes rhythm and rhyme. Also, what are the lines called within this literary text structure?
What is poetry and stanza.
A plot with a lot of action in whcih the characters go on a journey.
What is adventure story.
In the middle of the story, the action rises and the characters try to solve the conflict. Near the end of a story, there is a ________, or action that helps the characters resolve the conflict.
What is climax.
When the narrator tells the story through the thoughts and feelings on ONLY ONE character. Netavia opened her book with a nersous feeling. The class stared at her. She swallowed hard and began reading aloud.
What is Third Person Limited.

The woman's face looked as wrinkled as an old paper bag.

What is simile.


1. Literature that is meant to be acted out. 2. Wheras books are divided in chapters, plays are divided into scenes. 

What is Drama?

A made up story set in a real time in the past and includes chatracterizations of real people.
What is historical narrative.
A ____________, is the way a conflict is solved at the end. A good story shows how a character changes throughout the plot. If you compare the beginning of the sotry to the end of the sotry, you may see how the charater has gone through new experiences or has done things that he or she would normally not do.
What is Resolution.
Greg knocked at the door softly. When it opened, an angry face looked back at him. Greg was frightened, so he muttered an apology and started to leave. "Oh, you're selling candy for school, " the man said. Then he smiled and added, "Sorry to be rude. I thought you were someone else. I'd love to buy some!" What is the point of view and tell how you know.
What is Third Person limited because the narrator is not a character in the story, but the story is told from Greg's point of view.
The snow continued t creep up to my windowsill like an univited quest, peeking in, affecting my concentration, and overstaying its welcome. What kind of figurative language and how do you know?
What is personification because it gives human characteristics to the snow, which is not human.

1. When there is a pause in a story to descrive an earlier event. This gives the reader additional information about a story or character. 2. A clue about what is going to happen later in a story.

What is Flashback and Foreshadowing.

I Survived The Attacks of September 11, 2001 The only thing Lucas loves more than football is his dad's frend Benny, a firefighter and former football star. He taught Lucas the game and helps him practice. So when Lucas's parents decide football is too dangerous and he needs to quit, Lucas has to talk to his biggest fan. On a whim, Lucas takes the train to the city instead of the bus to school. Its a bright, beautiful day in New York. But just as Lucas arrives at the firehouse, everything nothing will ever be the same again. What genre is this book?
What is historical narrative.