Unit Rate
Ratio Tables
Equivalent Ratios
The ratio of boys to girls if there is 6 boys and 15 girls.
What is 2/5 or for every 2 boy there are 5 girls in the class.
180 words in 3 minutes
What is 60 words per minute

To make 5 apple pies, you need about 2 pounds of apples. How many pounds of apples do you need to make 20 apple pies? Create a table to show this. 

What is 8 pies


Are the following ratios equivalent? Explain: $24 saved after 3 weeks; $52 saved after 7 weeks.

What is No; Not Proportional.


Sarah is reading a book with 240 pages. She reads 15 pages every day. Create a table showing how many pages she has read after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days.

15, 30, 45, 60, 75

Lara Beth counted 6 motorcycles and 27 cars at the restaurant parking lot. Find the ratio of motorcyles to cars.
What is 2/9 or for every 2 motorcycles there were 9 cars.
$4 for 8 bottles of water
What is $.50 per bottle of water

A zoo requires that 1 adult accompany every 7 students that visit the zoo. How many adults must accompany 28 students? Create a table to show this.

What is 4 Adults.


Are the following ratios equivalent? Explain: 270 Calories in 3 servings; 450 Calories in 5 servings.

What is Yes; 9 Calories per serving.


A car travels 60 miles in 1 hour. Use a double number line to show how far the car travels in 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours.

A double number line with "Hours" on the top and "Miles" on the bottom:

  • 1 hour: 60 miles
  • 2 hours: 120 miles
  • 3 hours: 180 miles
  • 4 hours: 240 miles
  • 5 hours: 300 miles
A theater is showing 8 comedies and 12 action thrillers. What is the ratio of action thrillers to comedies.
What is 3/2 or for every 3 action thrillers showing, there are 2 comedies showing.
$36 for 4 tickets
What is $9 per ticket

Four balls of wool will make 8 knitted caps. How many balls of wool will Taylor need if she wants to make 6 caps? Create a table to show this. 

What is 3 balls of wool


Are the following ratios equivalent? If so, what are the rates: 3 hours worked for $12; 9 hours worked for $36.

What is Yes; $4 per hour.


A recipe calls for 3 cups of flour to make 24 cookies. How many cups of flour are needed to make 36, 48, and 60 cookies? Use a table to show the relationship.

 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5

Last month, Steven ate 9 apples, 5 bananas, 4 peaches, and 7 oranges. Find the ratio of bananas to the total number of pieces of fruit Steven ate last month.
What is 1/5 or one out of every 5 pieces of fruit Steven ate was a banana.
340 trees are saved by recycling 20 tons of paper. How many trees are saved from 1 ton of recycled paper?
What is 17 trees.

On a bike trip across the United States, Evan notes that he covers about 120 miles every 4 days. How many miles could he bike in 6 days if he continues at this rate? Create a table to show this. 

What is 180 miles.


Are the following ratios equivalent? Explain: 16 breaths in 60 seconds; 14 breaths in 15 seconds.

What is No; not proportional


Sam is saving money to buy a bicycle that costs $180. He saves $15 each week. How many weeks will it take for him to save enough money? Use a double number line to show his savings over time.

A double number line with "Weeks" on the top and "Dollars Saved" on the bottom:

  • 1 week: $15
  • 2 weeks: $30
  • 3 weeks: $45
  • 4 weeks: $60
  • 5 weeks: $75
  • 6 weeks: $90
  • 7 weeks: $105
  • 8 weeks: $120
  • 9 weeks: $135
  • 10 weeks: $150
  • 11 weeks: $165
  • 12 weeks: $180
For a trip, MAKENZIE packed 6 blouses, 5 pairs of shorts, 3 pairs of jeans, and 1 skirt. Find the ratio of pairs of jeans to the total number of pieces of clothing Makenzie packed.
What is 1/5 or one out of every five articles of clothing Makenzie packed was a pair of jeans.
Student Council sold 8 tickets to the spring dance in 15 minutes. At this rate, how many tickets will they sell per hour?
What is 32 tickets per hour.

On a typical day, flights at a local airport arrive at a rate of 10 every 15 minutes. How many flights would you expect to arrive in 1 hour at this rate? Create a table to show this.

What is 40 flights.


Are the following ratios equivalent? Explain: Blake can do 75 push-ups in 3 minutes. Trevor can do 130 push-ups in 5 minutes.

What is No; Blake's rate is 25 per minute and Trevor's rate is 26 per minute.


A group of friends wants to buy movie tickets. Each ticket costs $8. They have a total of $64. Create a table to determine how many tickets they can buy if they buy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 tickets.

8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64
