Figurative Language
MCAS Passages
Using Context Clues
Making Inferences

The directions were as clear as mud.

What figure of speech is this and what does is really mean?


The directions weren't clear at all!


Rewrite this sentence correctly:

who left the garage door open

Who left the garage door open?


Read the sentence from paragraph 1 of A Jar of Dreams.

"A promise is a promise, so on Sunday after dinner, I got out the kimono Aunt Waka had brought me."

 Based on the passage, what does the phrase “A promise is a promise” most likely reveal about Rinko?

A. She is not excited about wearing the kimono.


Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. 

a. itchy skin condition b. funny c. trying to hide a disguise d. with little thought or consideration

d. with little thought or consideration


"Troy stuttered, blushed and shook as he addressed the crowd." What can you infer about Troy from this statement?

a. Troy enjoys public speaking.  b. Troy is nervous.     c. Troy is an actor.

b. Troy is nervous.


Jefferson is a shining star.  He has an A average.

What figure of speech is this?  What does it actually mean?


Jefferson is doing so well in class!


Rewrite this sentence correctly:

jeremy bought books pencils and erasers from the store

Jeremy bought books, pencils, and erasers from the store.


What do paragraphs 6–8 of A Jar of Dreams mainly suggest?

C. Rinko and Aunt Waka share some similar experiences.


The news story was based on a letter that was fabricated. Now the reporter who wrote the story is in serious trouble.

a. fake b. full of long words c. made of cloth d. funny

a. fake


The sun was low in the sky. Kay's body ached. Blisters had formed on her hands. She set the rake down on the big pile of leaves and headed for home.

What can you infer from this passage?

a.  Kay had worked a long time.  b.  Kay had been feeling sick.  c. Kay dislikes raking leaves.

a.  Kay had worked a long time.


Don't cut any corners.

That is an idiom that actually means what?

Don't take any shortcuts and produce bad work.


Rewrite this sentence correctly:

every time i see jonah my heart starts fluttering in my chest he’s so cute

Every time I see Jonah, my heart starts fluttering in my chest.  He's so cute!


Based on paragraphs 12–14 of A Jar of Dreams, what is the most likely reason Rinko’s family takes photographs of her wearing the kimono?

B. Uncle Kanda will be pleased to see Rinko embracing her heritage.


The teacher felt exasperated because she could not make her students stop talking.

a. lonely b. frustrated c. depressed d. shy

b. frustrated


As usual, Jim left for school ten minutes later than he should have. His shoelaces were untied and his backpack was unzipped. He had traveled only one block when he heard his mother shout his name. He looked back and saw her waving his brown bag lunch.

What can you infer from this passage?

a. Jim is disorganized and forgetful.  b. Jim is in the 4th grade.  c. Jim takes the bus to school.

a. Jim is disorganized and forgetful.


What is personification?  Give an example.

A writer uses personification when he or she gives human traits to an object!


I love the sound of raindrops dancing on my roof.

The sun is smiling at me today.


Rewrite this sentence correctly:

even though it seems Young my seven year old sister has a Cell Phone

Even though it seems young, my seven year old sister has a cell phone.


In A Jar of Dreams, what does the kimono most likely symbolize for Rinko?

D. a culture that she does not feel connected to


We shopped at the emporium, which is as large as the shopping center, for shampoo and bath soap.

a. amusement park b. bathroom c. library d. large store

d. large store


"You don't know what you're missing," Susan shouted into the phone over the loud music of the party.

"Nah, I'm too tired," Tim said.

"Well, suit yourself, but you'll be sorry," Susan replied.

What can you infer from this passage?

a. Susan wants an apology.  b. Tim is sorry.  c. Susan wants Tim to come to the party.

c. Susan wants Tim to come to the party.


I got a million bug bites when we went camping.

What figure of speech is that an example of?



Rewrite this sentence correctly:

the best things in life are free Except for food you have to pay for that

The best things in life are free except for food.  You have to pay for that.


Which of the following best describes the tone of lines 29–36 in Somewhere Among?

C. frustrated


Joe felt anguish when his dog died. He’d had him for 13 years.

a. extreme excitement of joy b. nothing c. extreme sadness and suffering d. exhausted

c. extreme sadness and suffering


Carrie heard footsteps behind her. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She began to quicken her pace, hoping that whoever was following her wouldn't notice, but at last she gave in to a run.

What can you infer from this passage?

a. Carrie is late.  b.  Carrie is cold.  c. Carrie is frightened.

c. Carrie is frightened.
