This prefix means "before or earlier."
What is fore-?
This suffix means "made of or to make."
What is -en?
This root means "water."
What is aqua?
The prefix "uni-" means this.
What is one/single?
"Incorrect" and "insert" use the prefix "in- (il-, im-, ir-)", which means ________.
What is "not" or "toward"?
This prefix means "self."
What is auto-?
This suffix means "state of or quality of."
What is -hood?
This root means "earth, ground, or soil."
What is geo?
The root "phon" means this.
What is voice or sound?
"Synonym" and "anonymous" share the root "nym, onym", which means _________
What is "name" or "word."
This prefix means "to cause to be or to put into/onto."
What is en-, em-?
This suffix means "relating to or characteristic of."
What is -al, -ial?
This root means "to send."
What is mit?
The suffix "-ity" means this.
What is state of/quality of?
"Childish" and "foolish" use the suffix "-ish", which means ___________.
What is "relating to"?
This prefix means "opposite or against."
What is anti-?
This suffix means "act of, state of, or result of."
What is -ion, -ation, -sion, -tion?
This root means "to watch or see."
What is scope?
The prefix "micro-" means this
What is small?
"Decrease" and "deconstruct" use the prefix "de-", which means___________.
What is "reduce down" or "away from"?
This prefix means "out of or away from."
What is ex-?
This suffix means "condition of."
What is -ent, -ant?
This root means "chief or ruler."
What is arch?
The root "therm" means this.
What is heat?
"Conduct" and "introduce" share the root "duct" or "duc", which means ________.
What is "to lead"?