This is where almost al of the Earth's weather occurs.
These are 2 kinds of weather fronts and their symbols.
What are cold (pointy) and warm (curved)
The word that tells how the Sun's energy gets to Earth.
What is, radation.
When the sun heats and evaporates large amounts of ocean water it can form this type of storm.s
What is a Hurricane.
Air pressure does this as altitude increases.
What is decreases.
This makes water evaporate.
What is solar radiation (heat energy)
How do you know which direction a weather front (storm front) is moving.
What is the points or bumps point in the direction the front is moving.
In an energy diagram, this shows energy absorbed by the Earth.
What are arrows ending pointing to the Earth.
When air masses come together in the center of the US they form these dangerous storms.
What are tornadoes
The temperature decreases as altitude goes up in these layers of the atmosphere.
What are the Troposphere and the Mesosphere.
This is the reason why weather around the word is different.
What is the uneven heating of the earth. Water heats up and cools down less quickly than soil.
Air with lots of this in it warms more slowly and cools more slowly, resulting in more moderate and mild climate.
What is lots of water, air by the coast.
On an energy diagram, this shows energy reflected away from the Earth.
What are arrows that end pointing away from the Earth and out into space.
What are cold fronts.
These are the 4 main layers of the atmosphere in order from the Earth.
What are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere
Air behind a warm front can be described as this.
What is warmer and more humid.
The O-zone layer, in the stratosphere, does this.
What is absorbs UV radiation.
This is what happens when there are long periods of little or no precipitation.
What is drought.
The temperature of this layer of the atmosphere ranges from -55*C to 15*C
What is the Troposhpere
The cycle of heating and rising then cooling and falling is called.
What is a convection current.
Air behind a cold front can be described as this.
What is colder and dryer.
This keeps heat energy from escaping the atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change.
What are greenhouse gasses.
How does the pressure change during a large storm.
What is it drops