Where should you line up outside of every classroom?
A tile from the lockers and do not go past the lockers that are directly outside of the classroom.
What should you do immediately when you enter the classroom?
-sit in assigned seat and begin bell ringer
Where should I go when I enter the building in the morning?
To the Auditorium
What should I do in the hallway when our class is taken to the restroom?
Line up outside of the side that I will be going into.
Where do we go at final dismissal?
To the auditorium in our assigned section.
How should you behave while in line in the hallway?
Facing forward, Quiet, and staying in a straight line.
What should you do if you need something? (Pencil sharpened, paper, wkbk, etc)
-Quietly raise hand and wait for Ms.I to call on you.
How should I enter my RTI classroom?
Quietly and ready for instruction.
How many students should be in the restroom at the same time?
no more than 3
What should you do when your teacher allows you to visit your locker?
Gather all things that will need to be taken home, because you will not be allowed to go back to your locker.
Is it ok for me to go get water without asking for permission?
Absolutely NOT
What is the expectation for you when another student has been given the chance to speak?

Quietly listen and be respectful of their opinions

Raise your hand if you have a comment to add.

When do I go to my locker in the morning?
When you enter the 6th grade hallway before RTI
What happens if I cannot be quiet while waiting in line for the restroom?
You will forfeit your turn and will be sent to the line of students that are finished with the restroom.
What if a different teacher has my cell phone, notebook, pencil, belt, ring, book, etc?

Do not leave anything in a teachers room without the teacher's permission.

Teachers will bring all cellphones to auditorium to pass out to students.

Why is transition time and hallway time a bad time to ask questions?
The teacher is already trying to keep the whole class in order and asking questions causes chaos and talking.
What is the expectation for lessons? (what should you be doing while the teacher is teaching)
Follow along with all work. Take notes, Read, and ask questions using the expected procedures.
What should I be on if I'm on a laptop?

You should be on Achieve 300 or iReady.

We do not get on smarty ants without Ms.I or Ms. Wooten's permission.

Why is it important that I calmly enter, use, and leave the restroom in a timely way?
So that we can get back to instruction and so that other students and myself are not injured.
Phone calls at the end of the day?
Only in emergency cases, make all phone calls during RTI or before you make it to school.
What should the noise level be in the hallway at all times? WHY
It should be at Geeter 5, because you do not want to disturb other classes.
Why is it important that we follow all classroom procedures?
So that we can make the most of our class time and grow as scholars.
If I arrive late, what should I do?

After being signed in, go directly to the 6th grade hallway. Take care of locker needs and then immediately head to RTI.

If I need to use the restroom in the middle of class, what do I do?

Raise your hand and ASK the teacher.

If your teacher does not give you permission, then do not continue to ask repeatedly.

If I am in the auditorium, when is it okay for me to take out my headphones, cell phone, tablet, games etc.?
Never. Do not take out cellphones or other electronics until you are off campus.