The location and time of a story
The setting
This part of an essay tells what the topic will be.
The introduction
The most important idea in a paragraph.
What is the main idea?
I love going to baseball games ________ they are so much fun.
Fill in the missing word
When you think about what might happen next in a reading gpassage, you are _____ __ _____.
making a prediction
A word opposite in meaning to another word
This is a short version of the story that includes just the important details.
The summary
Where can the main idea be found?
First sentence
Last sentence
not found in any one sentence or is inferred
Name 3 types of punctuation
, . ? ! " "
A ______ is something you think will happen in the future.
The highest point of a story on plot mountain
What is climax?
This type of writing is made up (not true)
Rewrite the following EOG question using 'kid friendly language?
What does the mention of the fledgling's death contribute to the plot?
Possible ways to reword in kid-friendly language:
Option A. How does including the fledgling's death add to the plot?
Option B. Tell how the plot is influenced when the death of the fledgling is stated.
A word that describes a noun
Clues are often in the ____ or ______ or ____
facts and details
The conflict in a story
What is the problem?
When the story is told from the perspective of the narrator, using words like "I" or "me"
First person
The main idea is the ____ of the reading matter.
This is the action word in a sentence.
Whenever you figure out something that is not told in a reading passage, you are ________ or ______.
drawing a conclusion
making an inference.
A written piece the details another persons life
what is the last paragraph in an essay known as?
the conclusion
The _____ tell more about the main idea.
Rewrite the following EOG question using 'kid friendly words'.
How does paragraph 10 contribute to the plot of the story?
Possible ways to reword in kid-friendly language:
Option A. How does paragraph 10 add to the events or plot in the story?
Option B. How does paragraph 10 influence the events or plot in the story?
Rewrite the following EOG question using 'kid friendly words'.
Which two claims does the information in the paragraph below support?
Possible ways to reword in kid-friendly language:
Option A. Select 2 statements (2 claims) backed up with proof or evidence in the paragraph.
Option B. Select 2 viewpoints (2 claims) back up with proof or evidence in the paragraph.