Figurative Language
Elements of Plot
Text Structures
Author's Purpose / Type of Texts

A word that sounds like or means the same thing as it's name. What type of figurative language is this?

A) Onomatopoeia

B) Hyperbole

C) Simile

D) Idiom 

A) Onomatopoeia


Learn setting, meet main characters and find out what the story will be about. What element of plot is this?

A) Exposition 

B) Rising Action

C) Climax

D) Falling Action

E) Resolution



Sarah's car was dead on the side of the road. What was she going to do? She had already gotten off to a rough start when her alarm clock had failed to go off that morning. School started in just under an hour. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she had subscribed to OnStar the month before. With the simple press of a button she was able to get help jump-starting her battery and made it to class right on time! What text structure is this?

A) Descriptive 

B) Problem/ Solution 

C) Sequence

D) Cause/Effect 

Problem/ Solution


A text that is based on a person's life. What genre of text is this?

A) Non-fiction

B) Fiction

C) Biography

D) Mystery 



What is the difference between and inference and an opinion?

One is backed by evidence and the other is not. 


Jane sat in awe as the stars danced across the night sky. What type of figurative language is this?

A) Alliteration

B) Hyperbole

C) Personification

D) Idiom 

C) Personification


The part of a story that reveals or suggests an outcome. What element of plot is this?

A) Introduction

B) Rising Action

C) Climax

D) Falling Action

E) Resolution

E) Resolution


Gives the reader steps on how to do something or an order to how something happened. What text structure is this?

A) Descriptive 

B) Problem/ Solution 

C) Sequence




What is the purpose of the following passage? Butterflies are colorful, flying insects from the Lepidoptera order. Because they are insects, they have three body parts. The three body parts are called the head, thorax, and abdomen. They also have six jointed legs, two antennae and compound eyes. 

A) To inform

B) To entertain

C) to persuade

A) To inform


What is an inference? 

educated guess 


Compares two things using like or as. What type of figurative language is this?

A) Onomatopoeia

B) Hyperbole

C) Simile

D) Metaphor 

C) Simile


In what part of a story do we learn about the conflict? Hint: This builds up towards the turning point in the story. What element of plot is this?

A) Introduction

B) Rising Action

C) Climax

D) Falling Action

E) Resolution

Rising Action


Describing the characteristics of a setting, person, or place. What text structure is this?

A) Cause/ Effect 

B) Problem/ Solution 

C) Sequence

D) Descriptive 



What would be the author's purpose when writing fiction novels?

A) To inform

B) To entertain

C) to persuade

B) To entertain


Shelly was heartbroken as she stared down at the two bracelets in her hand. Both bracelets had a pendant on them in the shape of half a heart. They completed each other. 

Why is Shelly sad? How do you know 

Maybe because she lost a friend/BF


I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse. What type of figurative language is this? How do you know?

A) Onomatopoeia

B) Hyperbole

C) Simile

D) Idiom 


I know this because hyperboles always include exaggerations.


The events and complications begin to resolve themselves. Things start working towards a solution. What element of plot is this?

A) Introduction

B) Rising Action

C) Climax

D) Falling Action

E) Resolution

D) Falling Action


Sean and Brad are best friends. They have been going to the same school since kindergarten and have bonded over their love of sports. However, Sean's favorite sport is football while Brad prefers basketball. What text structure is this? Give evidence from the text to support your answer. 

A) Cause and Effect

 B) Compare and Contrast 

C) Sequence


B) Compare and Contrast

Evidence: They are comparing that they both love sports and contrasting that they love different sports


What is the purpose of the following passage? Sandy is the absolute best candidate for student body president! She is honest, friendly and dedicated to making our school a better place. This is YOUR chance to make a positive change! VOTE SANDY IN 2013!

A) To inform

B) To entertain

C) to persuade

To persuade


Johnny couldn't help but feel guilty as he sent the text to his best friend Brooke, "We need to talk." He knew she had a crush on him and needed to let her know how he felt.

How does Johnny feel about Brooke? How do you know?

He doesn't want to be more than friends with her. 


John was an ox as he rolled the boulder up the steep hill. What type of figurative language is this? How do you know this?

A) Idiom

B) Metaphor

C) Alliteration

D) Onomatopoeia 

B) Metaphor

I know this because a metaphor is the comparison of two things without using like or as.


What is the climax of a story?

The most intense or extreme part of a story where an action typically takes place.


The summer had been extra hot with very little rain to relieve the thirsty earth. There were cracks in the groud that looked like someone might fall into. People neglected their lawns because no plant was motivated to be green or grow.  Give evidence from the text to support your answer.

A) Cause and Effect 

B) Compare and Contrast 

C) Sequence

D) Problem/Solution

A) Cause / Effect

Evidence- The cause is "the summer had been extra hot" and the effect is that "people neglected their lawns."


A text that is true and informational. What type of text is this?

A) Expository

B) Narrative

C) Descriptive

D) Persuasive 

A) Expository


Juan hands shook as he waited for the judge to announce who had won the competition. A voice sounded over the entire auditorium, and silence fell as the man talked. Juan's face sunk.  

Did Juan win? How do you know?

