Figurative Language
Graphic Organizers
Text Features
Story Elements
He was as tall as a mountain.
What is simile?
Jim knew he had been driving too fast. As he sat and waited, he pulled out his driver's license and rolled down his window. Based on the information, what situation is Jim in?
What is pulled over for speeding?
This graphic organizer uses Roman numerals, letters and numbers to organize information.
What is an outline?
This is the name of a chapter that usually describes what the chapter is about.
What is the title?
This is the most exciting part of the story, usually a turning point.
What is the climax?
He was a mountain of a man.
What is a metaphor?
Mary was so excited. She had never been out of the country before. She couldn't wait to see all of the museums and the world famous tower. She could smell the croissants already! Where is Mary going?
What is France?
This graphic organizer uses two circles that overlap to compare and contrast information.
What is a venn diagram?
This lists the title of the book as well as the names of chapters and what pages they can be found on.
What is table of contents?
This is a the part of a story where characters and settings are introduced.
What is the exposition?
Slippery snakes sneak silently south.
What is alliteration?
Sarah was terrified! Since she came through the entrance, there was blood and ghostly things on all the walls. In the second room, 4 people dressed as zombies chased her. She had no way of knowing that a man with a chainsaw was waiting outside the exit to scare her! Where is Sarah most likely to be?
What is a haunted house?
This graphic organizer uses at least 3 boxes with 2 or more arrows that puts information in chronological order.
What is a sequence chart?
This contains definitions for unusual or uncommon words in the back of a book.
What is a glossary?
This is the part of a story that tells how the conflict is solved (usually the end of the story).
What is resolution?
Crash! Bang! Boom! Zoom!
What is Onomatopoeia?
The fox was following along behind the little family of ducks pretending to be a duck himself. He was inching closer and closer and closer as they walked. Why was the fox most likely pretending to be a duck?
What is to eat them?
This graphic organizer is comprised of a circle in the middle that is the main idea, with smaller circles branching off that are supporting details, with even more circles branching off that contain more specific details about the supporting details.
What is a web chart?
This is an area in the back of the book that covers every specific topic in a book and gives page numbers where those topics can be found.
What is an index?
This is a name for all of the events that take place in a story.
What is plot?
I could think of a billion reasons why this is a bad idea!
What is hyperbole?
Janet and Jack were so excited! They could smell the salty air and feel the cool breeze. They could see and hear the perfect waves crashing in the distance. They couldn't wait to take them on. What are Janet and Jack most likely about to do?
What is go surfing?
This graphic organizer is usually made up of two boxes and an arrow, sometimes more, that shows how one thing leads to another.
What is a cause and effect chart?
These are words around pictures that explain the picture.
What is a caption?
Eye color, hair color, height, weight, beliefs, personality, etc. are examples of this.
What is a character trait?