Figurative Language
Plot/Point of View
Text Structures
Vocabulary/Making Inferences

Jane sat in awe as the stars danced across the night sky.



Learn setting, meet main characters and find out what the story will be about.



Finish the sentence.

Text structures help authors ________ the information in their writings. 



STAAR Question: "Which sentence best  illustrates Emily's conflict?", illustrates means... 

To show or explain


STAAR Question: "In lines 5 and 25, the words "bury myself" and "hidden" emphasize that the speaker--

What does the word EMPHASIZE mean?

To highlight or show importance


John was an ox as he rolled the boulder up the steep hill.



How do you know something is written in third person point of view?

It uses he, she, they, them, his, her, or the character's names


A cook book or game instructions uses which type of text structure?



STAAR Question: "The actions of the younger brother in paragraph 7 are significant because they show that---"
What does the word significant mean?



What does it mean to infer or make an inference? 

A. to only use your context clues

B. to use your context clues and information from the passage to make an educated guess

C. to use your context clues and prior knowledge to make an educated guess

D. all of the above

Answer choice C. to use your context clues and prior knowledge to make an educated guess


This is used by the author to help the reader see or visualize what they are reading.

Example: The walls shook and vibrated like the tail of a rattlesnake.

Imagery/Sensory language


This is the part of the story where the tension increases. 

(Hint: It's often called the turning point of the story)

The Climax


What text structure is being used below?

Sean and Brad are best friends. They have been going to the same school since kindergarten and have bonded over their love of sports. However, Sean's favorite sport is football and favorite player is Dak Prescott. On the other hand, Brad prefers basketball and his favorite player is Lebron James.

Compare and Contrast

  1. Sasha's cousin was turning fifteen. The family was having an enormous celebration in the ballroom of a fancy hotel. There would be lots of food, a laser light show, and live musicians. The most exciting part for Sasha was getting to see her cousin's new dress. She knew it was going to be amazing!

  2. On the night of the party, Sasha looked around at all the decorations. Ribbons and lights made the room dazzle like a magical kingdom. Each table had a crystal vase in the center with colored stones at the bottom and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Suddenly, the ballroom became quiet and everyone looked up as Sasha's cousin made her grand entrance. Her dress was even more spectacular than Sasha had imagined. She looked like a real princess! I can't wait until it's my turn, she thought with a smile.

What can the reader INFER about Sasha?

A. Sasha is older than her cousin

B. Sasha is jealous of her cousin's party

Sasha is younger than her cousin

D. Sasha's cousin is a princess

Answer Choice C. Sasha is younger than her cousin


I watched the rats for quite a long time. It was obvious that they knew exactly what they were doing, and they looked as well drilled as a group of soldiers. The rats had about twenty-five yards to go to reach the rosebush; as if at a signal (which, however I was too far away to hear), they would all pull together, moving the wire about a foot.

The author uses a simile in the paragraph above to show that the rats—

have developed a military society with officers and troops

always travel in large, organized groups

C are preparing for a major battle

D work together efficiently and carefully

D work together efficiently and carefully


Read the following paragraph.

Kichi gazed into the koi pond, as tears danced down her round, pale face like water falls. Everyone except Kichi was at the Tanabata, the Japanese Star Festival.

The author uses personification in the first sentence to show---

A. the magical power of Kichi's tears

B. the liveliness of the festival

C. the loneliness of Mamo.

D. the sorrowful state of Kichi.

Answer Choice D. the sorrowful state of Kichi.


Read the following paragraph.

Sid saw the ball floating through the air. He knew it was coming to him. He positioned himself where he thought it was going to land. Then a large cloud moved in the sky. The sun blazed and Sid couldn't see anything. "Thump!" the ball landed right in front of Sid. Coach yelled across the field, "Pick it up, Sid! Throw it to second." Sid couldn't see the ball in front of him. All he could see were spots. The coach threw his hat on the ground and continued to yell, "Pick it up, Sid!"

What point of view is used in the paragraph?

Third person objective

Third person limited

Third person omniscient

Answer Choice B. Third person limited


What text structure is being used below?

Sarah's car was dead on the side of the road. What was she going to do? She had already gotten off to a rough start when her alarm clock had failed to go off this morning. Her class was starting in just under an hour. Suddenly, it dawned on her that she had subscribed to OnStar, a roadside assistance program, the month before. With the simple press of a button she was able to get help jump-starting her battery and made it to class right on time!

Problem and Solution


Sammy pulled his favorite shirt from the closet. It was picture day at school and he wanted to look his best. When he looked in the mirror, he noticed that his hair was flat in some spots and poofy in others. I shouldn’t have gone to bed while my hair was still wet, he thought, trying to flatten his locks with the palms of his hands.

Nothing worked. Even putting water on his hair wasn’t making it lay it flat. Sammy was beginning to get desperate. He glanced over to his sister’s half of the counter. He was always telling her she had way too many bottles and cans of products for her face and hair, but this time he felt grateful.

He picked up a purple bottle from the back of the collection. The label read “Mega Strong Hair Gel: for a perfect hair style any time, any place.” This sounds perfect, Sammy thought, as he spread a big glob of gel into his hair.

By the time he arrived at school, not a single hair on his head was able to move. They had all frozen into sharp little points all over. Sammy touched his head and thought, Oh no. My hair feels like a porcupine. Just then, his friend Ayleen walked over to him with a big smile.

“Wow, Sammy, your hair looks great!” she said. Sammy felt relieved.

Based on information in the story, the reader can INFER that—

A. Ayleen is Sammy's girlfriend

B. Sammy did not put enough gel on his hair the night before

C. Sammy will never use hair gel on his hair again

D. Sammy's sister frequently uses products on her hair and face

Answer Choice D. Sammy's sister frequently uses products on her hair and face


Together the regulars and I managed the crowd. I took orders and made sandwiches while they kept the restaurant clean and visited with customers. As the tidal wave of customers trickled to a stream, Mom and Dad rushed into the deli.

The author includes the figurative language in the paragraph to show that the —

A customers are upset at first but calm by the time they leave

B number of customers at the deli has become manageable

C new customers got wet from the firefighters’ hoses at the festival

D customers come in and out of the deli at a steady pace

B number of customers at the deli has become manageable.


Read the following paragraph.

Mrs. Tinker was also surprised by her daughter’s emotional state. She had stopped addressing her as mommy. She had been calling her “mother” for a couple years now. Mrs. Tinker felt her heart melt like butter left out in the sun while she watched her little girl. Her eyes nearly filled with tears, but she smiled and said, “I know, baby. I am sorry. I would hug you and kiss you, but I don’t want to catch the bug…”

The author uses simile in this sentence to reveal that Mrs. Tinker—

A. has an unusual ability to feel her daughter’s pain.

B. feels tenderness for her daughter who is sick.

C. dislikes hearing her daughter’s complaints.

D. knows that her daughter will try to be too active too soon.

Answer Choice B. feels tenderness for her daughter who is sick.


Read the following paragraph.

  1. The storm arose out of the north so fast, neither Justin nor his father saw it coming, but they heard it. The peal of distant thunder made Justin nearly drop his fishing pole into the lake, but his father said not to worry.
  2. “It’s probably just a flash thunderstorm in the valley to the north of us,” Mr. Tate added.
  3. Just then, Justin hooked a trout, and he was so overjoyed that he did not notice the purple clouds closing in. “Look, Dad, it’s a big one!” he yelled as he reeled it.
  4. A lightning flash lit up the sky then, followed two seconds later by a deafening thunderclap. The look of alarm that crossed his father’s face frightened Justin.
  5. “Put your gear down, son. We’re getting out of here,” Mr. Tate said while he secured the oars and began to row.

Paragraph 1 contributes to the plot by showing that---

A. the lake is far away from any city or town

B. storms like this happen all the time on the lake

C. Justin’s father plans to row the boat home right away

D. Justin and his father are fishing when the storm hits

Answer Choice D. Justin and his father are fishing when the storm hits


What text structure is used below?

There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet. One theory, that many people believe, is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth. Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, or herbivores, may have died off, followed by the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these giant reptiles no longer inhabit the Earth.

Cause / Effect


Which sentence helps explain why nonviolent forms of discipline, such as keeping students from participating in class activities, are better than using corporal punishment(swats)?

A. I am a proud member of Leonard ISD and want the best for our students, just as you do.

B. Another reason to end corporal punishment in our schools is because of the effects it has on children

C. These consequences would serve the same purpose as corporal punishment without causing physical harm.

D. Corporal punishment is used by teachers who want to control their students’ behavior. 

C. These consequences would serve the same purpose as corporal punishment without causing physical harm.


Winona was full of sorrow at the peak of her illness. Just a couple days of bed rest with the flu had filled her with misery.Why did my parents choose this ugly part of the house to be my room? Why didn’t I protest when they let the twins choose that other room? They could have shared this room. “Ugh,” Winona said, with a mix of anger and sadness. How she hated the sound of her sisters giggling in the neighboring room. How she suffered when her mother was singing in the kitchen and preparing chicken noodle soup. How she despised the idea of her father traveling to Florida for a business trip. Winona imagined the diamond dust that were the sandy beaches and sank deeper in her bed.

Which event contributes most to Winona’s inner conflict in the story?

A. The sisters giggling in their room

B. The father being away on a trip

C. Her being at the peak of her illness

D. Her mother not hugging or kissing her

C. Her being at the peak of her illness
