The author uses this language to emphasize their writing.
What is figurative language?
Learn setting, meet main characters and find out what the story will be about.
The acronym we use for a short constructed response.
What is R.A.C.E.?
The acronym we use for an extended constructed response.
What is R.A.C.E.R?
The acronym we use for Test Taking Strategies.
What is FLOSS?
A persuasive technique used to get people to agree with them.
What is an argument?
CRECAR meaning.
What is Claim, Reason, Evidence, Counterargument, and Rebuttal?
The graphic organizer is used for a paired passage.
What is a Venn Diagram?
The meaning of TWISTS.
What is Tone, Word Choice, Imagery (ISHAMPOO), Style, Theme, Shift?
The type of text that is true and provides meaningful facts.
What is an informational text?
When you take a word or statement to mean exactly what is says. This is another language that is not figurative.