Words to Know
Peer Pressure

A feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them.

What is peer pressure?


True or False: Marketing ads may influence some teens to drink alcohol or smoke by making it look appealing.

What is true.

Advertisements try to show that drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes can be glamorous, but do not provide the facts about their many harmful effects.


Which is most deadly for teens? Marijuana, alcohol, car crashes, or illegal drugs?

What is Alcohol?

Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused substance among youth in the US.


An electronic device that contains the addictive drug nicotine.

What is a vape?


A condition in which a person is unable to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior.

What is addiction?


If a friend asks you to try something you don't want to try, what can you do or say?


  • Simply say “no thank you.”
  • Change the topic.
  • Suggest a different activity.
  • Enlist friends for support.
  • Leave the situation.

Excessive drinking contributes to approximately how many deaths among people under 21 each year?

a) 250
b) 1,500
c) 4,500

What is 4,500


One vape pen often contains the same amount of nicotine as ______________.

What is an entire pack of cigarettes?


What people feel when they are uncomfortable about something that is happening. A normal response to the pressures and challenges of life.

What is stress?

Stress is a normal response to life's challenges, but it is important how we choose positive ways to manage our stress levels.


What are three qualities of a good friend?

Trusting, caring, respectful, loyal


Taking a friend's ________ pills that their doctor gave them is illegal. Being caught with medication that doesn’t belong to you can result in serious legal consequences.

What is prescription?


Strong cravings to vape, having difficulty concentrating at school, feeling irritable or not being able to stop vaping are all signs of _________.

What is addiction?


Smoke or vapor inhaled from someone smoking around you has health risks due to the amount of dangerous chemicals that float in the air. Breathing in the smoke or vapor that someone else exhales is called _________. 

Secondhand Smoking/ Vaping

Name two people you can talk to if you or a friend need help with peer pressure

Who are teachers, counselors, parents, coaches, a trusted family member, police or school resource officer, etc.


Name 5 consequences of underage drinking.

Possible answers:

School problems, failing & increased absences
Social problems such as fighting and not participating in activities
Unintentional injuries such as car crashes, falls, burns, and drowning
Memory loss
Death from alcohol poisoning
Legal problems
Physical problems, hangovers or illness
Loss of consciousness
Abuse of other drugs
Changes in brain development


Because teens' _______ are still developing, it makes them more likely to become addicted to vaping, drinking or other drugs than adults.

What are brains?


Some people's _______ cause them to get addicted easier than others. Some people have health conditions that make their body react more extremely. You never know how one person may be affected differently from someone else.

What are genetics?


Name 3 things you and your friend can be doing instead of drugs or drinking alcohol?

Examples: watch a movie, go bowling, play a game, exercise, play a sport, listen to music, volunteer, find a hobby, etc.


Careers that test for lifetime illegal drug use and will not accept applicants who have taken or currently use illegal drugs in their life.

What are armed forces, FBI and other government agencies?


Drinking alcohol underage is illegal, but more importantly dangerous. Every 15 minutes a teenager will die due to ___________.

What is drunk driving?
