Unfamilar words 2
Character traits

What is central idea?

What the text is mostly about


“All right,” said the grandfather, and presently he went to the cupboard, and after rummaging about inside for a few minutes he drew out a long, coarse piece of stuff, which was all he had to do duty for a sheet. What is the meaning of rummaging as it is used in the sentence? 

A. organizing

B. reaching 

C. searching 

D. wandering

C. searching


What is theme? 

A lesson learned 


Are infereces stated directly in the text? 

No you have to infer the information.


What are character traits? 

include what the character looks like, how they feel, how they respond to situations, and think. 


We now entered the palm woods to eat dinner, when suddenly a number of monkeys, alarmed by our approach and Turk’s barking, fled like lightning to the tops of the trees.

What does the phrase fled like lightning mean?

A.escaped boldly

B.journeyed angrily

C.darted away quickly

D.moved away randomly

C.darted away quickly


Which paragraph from the passage uses figurative language to develop Heidi’s character? 

A paragraph 3 

B paragraph 5 

C paragraph 7

D paragraph 11

B paragraph 5


What is a summary? 

A. What the text is mostly about 

B. A short version of a story 

C. A short version of a text that include the main idea and supporting details. 

D. A short version of the text that descibes the bears house. 

 C. A short version of a text that include the main idea and supporting details. 


What is an inference?

an educated guess 


Sitting next tp my brother, Zaid, at a basketball game gives me a splitting headache! Not only does he scream during the entire game, he chants and cackles just to irritate me. 

A. hysterical 

B. fun-loving 

C.  bossy 

D. obnoxios 

D. Obnoxious 


What do you need to supprt the central idea?

Supporting details 


What are unfamilar words?

Unknown words in a text that use context clues to figure out the meaning of the word. 


What is a theme of Rick Hires a room on Mott Street? 

A. Hard work will pay off in getting things desired.

B. People can improve themselves through learning. 

C.  Well dressed people are treated better than others. 

D. People should try to do the best with what they have

D. People should try to do the best with what they have


What do you use to create an inference from the text? 

Use your background knowledge and the information from the text. 

The class field trip to the Science Museum was awesome because Rose was in my group. She knows everything about the exhibits, and was thrilled to share all of her knowledge with us. 

A. obedient 

B. greedy 

C. passionate 

D. punctual 

C. Passionate 


What is the meaning of content as it is used in the sentence?





D. Satisfied 


What does the phrase “increased favor” in paragraph 23 suggest about Mrs. Mooney’s reaction to Rick’s claim that he knows her son?

 A She is upset about the claim, so she views Rick poorly. 

B She is glad that he knows her son, so she views him positively.

 C She is suspicious about the claim, so she is unsure about Rick. 

D She is surprised that he knows her son, so she wants to know more

B. She is glad that he knows her son, so she views him positively.


 Which sentence should be included in an accurate summary of “Rick Hires a Room on Mott Street”?

 A Rick has slept in boxes and wagons before.

 B Rick arrives at Mrs. Mooney’s to talk to her about renting a room. 

C Mrs. Mooney informs Rick that she will not be able to fix up the room until tomorrow. 

D Mrs. Mooney and Rick decide that he will pay her 75 cents at the beginning of each week for rent

 B Rick arrives at Mrs. Mooney’s to talk to her about renting a room. 


My teacher walked into class with her glasses on. It was unusual that she wore her glasses. Her eyes were puffy and she talked quietly to the class. On her desk, she had a bag of cough drops and some tea with a bottle of honey next to it.

She is sick


What kind of person are you? 

Answers may vary 


What is the most important thing in Ms. Simmons class? 

Be respectful and learn 


Instead it hits impervious surfaces like hard pavement and rooftops and has no chance to infiltrate the soil. What is the meaning of impervious as it is used in the sentence?

 A affected

 B cracked 

C exposed 

D resistant

D resistant


Which statement describes a theme of the excerpt from Heidi? 

A Hard work brings great rewards. 

B. Always make the best of a situation. 

C. A great imagination can bring happiness. 

D Listening to your elders is the right thing to do

B. Always make the best of a situation.


When Heidi’s grandfather tells her she may sleep wherever she likes, she begins her search for a place. What can the reader infer about Heidi based on her reaction? 

A. Heidi is happy because she enjoys sleeping in unfamiliar places. 

B Heidi is enthusiastic about the possibilities of her sleeping choices. 

C Heidi is tired from her journey and wants to go find somewhere to sleep quickly. 

D Heidi is resentful toward her grandfather because she does not have a bed to sleep in

B Heidi is enthusiastic about the possibilities of her sleeping choices.


When Bobby's mom asks him to brush his teeth, he comes back 5 minutes later without clean teeth. When she asks him what happened, he always says he forgot. 

A. mindful 

B. passionate 

C. enthusiastic 

D. distractable 

D. distractable
